A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

'The World is yet to know about You. We take Your Message and Your Essence through this platform.'

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Friday, 6 January 2012

A New Me in the making

Who am I? As people perceived and told me I am a person who is good but do not take any initiative, someone intelligent but lazy and fails to reach the goals, worthy but sitting worthlessly .Many times I used to sit back and think  “Am I this? If I am this, why am I like this? Why don’t I have any enthusiasm to move ahead and take charge of my life?” But some where I couldn’t take that step.

 But now this is a story of the past. I am no more worried about what people think of me but I am more aligned and focused to what I am making out of myself and this makes it easier to move ahead and take that next step. This has become possible for me through the guidance and support of my Guru Sri Raj Bhowmik . His magnificent work to the  mankind through ‘Corporitual’ in all forms be it book, workshops ,SAHHEAL, Raj Bhowmik Schools, has enormous life transformation force and essence attached to it. 

        My life in a large picture had become full when Amuli walked into our life two years back just  when we came in touch with the essence of Sri Raj Bhowmik . It ihas been a two year happy journey and I had silently waited for the time to come when I will find my purpose in life. The time came and I realized my soul purpose of existence through a very powerful workshop again at SAHHEAL. Now I feel like raw gold ,ready for processing ,ready to be moulded and designed with the constant guidance of Guru and ready to become priceless.
 This is the new ME and the acceptance and surrender when it happens “Life is just wonderful’. My Heartfelt thanks to my guide and guru Sri Raj Bhowmik.

                                                                                                                   Vijaya Vallabhu.

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