A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Editorial: A Bond Grown and Nurtured Together

We invite you in this March Edition to an engaging journey into different aspects of Marriage.

"I Do"  takes you through a walk from the Marriage vows and the pictures associated with it, to growing and nurturing a Full Individuals to contribute Fully to an eco system that can be Sustainable. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/03/i-do.html)

"Marriages are made in heaven" is a journey of an aspiring partner of the strength in her Being to Manifest a Growing Individual in her Life, together Growing through harmony as a Unit.  (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/03/marriages-are-made-in-heaven.html)

"Choosing A Partner" is from a parent perspective looking at New Age Children and their marriages.( http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/03/choosing-partner.html)

"Is Love Unconditional" defines a genuine meaning of the energy of Love that exists in every interaction through Life and all its Creations. When marriage can accept this, an Eco-system that thrives, becomes a sustainable growing unit. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/03/is-love-unconditional.html)

"A Beautiful Closure" is a story of an individual who makes a choice of moving out of a relationship that threatens their Being and Existence. Walking in or out can be with dignity, respect and Grace. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/03/beautiful-closure.html)

"America Accepting Me" is a journey when a path is created through aspiration of making a new beginning after marriage. There are no mistakes in life. Only Lessons through which we learn. Marriage and a companion can surely be that lesson through which we realize about ourselves like all other relationships through which we grow and learn. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/03/america-accepting-me.html)

"Soul Parenting: My Child The Mirror" is the learning of a mother getting her child form a routine. Children are reflections of who we are and looking at the compass we have a chance to quickly align every single day. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/03/soul-parenting-my-child-mirror.html)

Wishing you a Beautiful Journey of Growing with your Partner. Acceptance and Appreciation consistently Grows a Relationship that can stand beyond circumstances of times and people.