A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

'The World is yet to know about You. We take Your Message and Your Essence through this platform.'

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Friday, 6 January 2012

Editorial: Spiral Of Living

The Sacred Sanctum Wishes you a Happy Growing Year to becoming more and more of who you truly are.  In this month and begin our New Year understanding the Circle Of Life and beginning a New Spiral Of Living.

The Formula Of Success
Living is dynamic and spontaneous and time and again we come back to the same reference point. So why does Life do it? Life does it to check if we have grown, learnt and renewed our self to live more fuller through the same reference points. These reference points are events that remind us of old memories and when we move beyond it, the good Purposeful Bag is slowly realized as we begin to safely tread on it. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.com/2012/01/formula-to-success-dedicated-to-sri-raj_06.html)

This month’s Cover Story features the Inner Journey of a Mom who was brought at these turbulent reference points till she decided to change their meaning and look beyond what was destructive & obvious. It was to question and understand why it was repeating in the same manner.(http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.com/2012/01/cover-story-tribute-to-sri-raj-bhowmik_06.html)

Soul Relationship features a Warrior Spirited DynamicCourageous Soul that tells a story of walking the path of creating a Destiny Aligned to the Soul Purpose. At this point old relationships fall away & new spring appears to grow, strengthen and then spread.

Soul Parenting is the journey of a Mom who has learned a lot more through her young daughter – celebrating motherhood. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.com/2012/01/soul-parenting_06.html)

A New Me describes the process of Molding to bring out surrender and acceptance to Manifest and create opportunities that the heart desires one for a larger good. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.com/2012/01/new-me-in-making_06.html)

Chaar Anna in the children’s section is a beautiful poem of a young hearted child that visits the reference circle again this time with a new energy, new phase and goes beyond the obvious but finds new meaning. (http://sacredsanctum.blogspot.com/2012/01/childrens-section-chaar-anna_06.html)

I am What is is a prayer to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik – A Prayer in every breath to align to the Highest in us with His Guidance.

May you be Lead to the Light Within. May you give Back to the Universe you Belong to !!

The formula to Success Dedicated to Sri RAJ BHOWMIK

 With Gratitude for making me realize my self in a very compassionate & unique way...I dedicate this write up to HIM whose CORPORitual-Values Of Living has birthed a new  successful Whole in me...

When a Teacher awakens, He awakens the entire country with Him..!


When a teacher becomes a Chanakya , the education which has been reduced to gathering mere degrees, means to material comforts and  creating  separation between urban & Rural ,rich & poor, illiterate & literate...melts...and  then  you , me, they, mine and all such divides just get washed  away and all that remains is the "ISNESS" of the present moment. That "ISNESS" is the link which joins a single unit with family - society- state- Nation..! Only when every single unit works in a Self aware mode we can build Successful Nations!

How can we shun an uneducated, rural, poor family and blame their "condition" to the large family that they have? How can we romp around happily under the label of "I am educated, have lots of material comforts and a small family". How can we just blame, blame and blame? Check your reference point once in a while. See what has education given us? The power to think.. GOOD!  What about the power to bring about the change? That is the power which lies in the self Realization of our purpose of existence - our goal in life, our walk to fame .That is the power which today's education should aim at...no blame games but accepting the reality and working towards the "change".

Is this my mind talking or my heart? I do not know. Maybe both but all I know is that I feel what I do & I do what I feel Right /wrong, true/ untrue, correct/ incorrect are the compartments which "education" has built around us. Once these compartments are broken all that stays is a "feel" – that’s the self realization, no religions in the world, no educational institutes, no lectures, seminars, satsangs can make you realize your self..its not "taught" anywhere..The paths are varied, the paths are laid & it’s you who have to walk the talk now!

Your purpose of existence has to manifest before you through the work that you really love to do. A work for which you could die for happily! Hence coming back to the same point that the large , poor, uneducated family with not even two square meals a day still exist because some collective thought embedded in our "minds"  that" I just need to educate myself and my family and then we shall live -live happily ever again "....  Till this "mind Set" of "me", mine, yours exist, such large, helpless, poverty ridden families exist.. Look closely to any one such family around you...Are they different from you? They are because you are with your " mind Based " approach .Our compartmentalized education system have birthed them...Yes, Education is the call of the day but its important to check what have we done with that education in terms of usefulness. Earning a Harvard Degree, going around in BMWs is fine, but what are we giving back to the society which has birthed us ?

A work done with 100% compassion & usefulness is bound to give fruits than a work done for the heck of it or for the material comforts only...Nanak, Kabir, Tagore, Akbar, Chanakya, Gandhi...they all loved the work that they did..without practicing austerity, hardship & without any saffrons or whites. They had all found happiness in the work that they did. They were working in a self realized mode. They were plugged to the source within & the energy flew through them constantly making their work useful even till this day...

When we put  nation, world, love, compassion before anything else ...we bring about movements..A movement is not brought about by an agitated, revengeful, judgmental, emotional mind...A movement is brought about by a still mind & a compassionate heart..A heart which is awakened fully & is beating vibrantly to the music of the Inner most song...

The mind being of monkey nature, jumps from processes to processes, explaining, clarifying, giving logical conclusions and when all the logic fails, we go insane...Go deep through the chatter of brains...into your own inner peace centre & your heart shall talk. It has always been talking ...it never sleeps...its waiting for you to pay attention. Till we are stuck in finding explanations, reasons, excuses for the general apathy strewn around, we are not listening to our soul song.

Scientists say that we are still not using 100% of our brains and still there are no fixed processes through which we could use even 50% of it...then how do you expect that a conclusion drawn by a mind based process can be the most useful one?  Listen to your heart for once...Any self realized individual can tell you just in few words how to make a heart 100% useful...A heart through which flows the river of compassion is a 100% useful heart...And once you listen to your heart , sing aloud that usefulness song in every breathe that you take & every work that you do and then...YOU shall be successful ! AND A SUCCESSFUL NATION SHALL BE BUILD ONE DAY!

Cover Story: Tribute to Sri Raj Bhowmik

Life for me has come a full circle. Today I stand at the threshold of a new innings. When I first came into SAHHEAL,  I was at the last leg of my race. I wasn't sure of so many things. I wasn't sure if I could pull of my relationship, whether I could ever bring happiness to my children. Symptoms of typical family dysfunctionality were setting in. Everything was shrouded in confusion. I was inching towards giving up. It was painful to sleep and wake in fear everyday not knowing how the next move of our relationship will be. A heavy negative wave was sweeping the family. Psychiatry failed.

The turn
My husband too in utter helplessness  and in a similar state as I was  finally got this place called SAHHEAL. When we came here , hardly did we realize that  a 360 degree turn was going to happen. That I will be plunged into a bottomless depth of understanding myself, my being and the Teacher has arrived. The transformationalist  gestured  to my husband that she would like to meet the spouse and no other relative of the patient. For the first time somebody made sense to me. When I met this life transformationalist my soul was too hungry for understanding, too thirsty for absolute kindness and longed for someone who could listen in rapt attention. All this happened at SAHHEAL. I was taught how to speak from the being-the benchmarks were set to converse with my husband from the being and take it to the larger picture. Do that with everyone. They taught me alignment. I started talking to my relationships from an acknowledging space. I started acknowledging myself -things I never did like taking good care of myself, eating properly, dressing properly. I stopped constantly evaluating, judging & I just flowed.  I started experiencing the shift from chaos to peace. All I knew was  there was a force, a calm force, a compassionate presence  that was navigating me through the labyrinth of confused thoughts that were off shoots of unawareness and guided me to a point were it was possible to experience peace and quite with myself. SAHHEAL did the transforming job of seeing myself clearly.

The Break through
Hope, trust & faith started flowing. All noise was transforming into silence, all fights into compassionate gestures, all insignificant spending into abundance. Happiness was back into the heart of children. I was gearing up for The SAHHEAL Learning Studios. A  3 stage intense process of looking at myself  in absolute nakedness without any masks. Around this time I started mailing to the force that had turned around my life-Shri Raj Bhowmik. At SAHHEAL my being was basked, bathed purified and sanctified and wrapped in love and given back to me with care. All I wanted to do is sustain this new state of well being. So started asking Shri Raj of the basics of living-seeking His guidance as to how to live from the space of compassion, how to find purpose, how to carry the message of this beautiful essence  of this abundantly compassionate soul called Raj Bhowmik across. Numerous interventions have happened. I started writing more intensely. I started exploring purpose. In this amazing journey were I was totally connected to Shri Raj-the way purpose unfolded is a story in itself .Today I live by His Corporitual Values. Before I venture into anything I check if these values are right in  place. I do not take decisions that harm the flow of these values. From understanding myself in silence to practising compassion,finding purpose and forgiving the whole past that created a the chaotic conditioning-my life has come a full cycle. Sometimes I feel like Arjuna who had nobody but just a charioteer to steer his path to success and his destiny to self realization, today I carry Raj's essence and apply it in everyday living. Apart from managing the house, I have also been of support and handled CORPORitual sessions with corporate houses. I cherish this precious essence that had brought in so much of awareness to the teachings of my early masters too. Today with the guidance of Shri Raj Bhowmik I understand what even other masters were communicating in between the lines. Everyday I experience a sense of completeness in my living. In life there is awareness, there is celebration, there is service. There is  abundance, there is peace ,there is harmony. There is giving, sharing, understanding. There is the goodness of being a happy family and the purpose of giving back to this beautiful place called SOULBATH PEACE FOUNDATION that had nurtured me. My child is in the Raj Bhowmik Schools

Real goodness has to be experienced. The mind has no power of its own. The provider of strength is always the being. Life cannot be understood without the light and guidance of the master-It has been a rare opportunity of my life to have connected to the essence of Shri Raj Bhowmik. I thank all the beautiful souls who brought me to His essence. Today my house is a home. Everyday is a expression of his essence. Even if I fall I understand I have to get back to it. Today I have been graduated to become the wellness sustainability manager of my business firm. I am the wellness sustainability manager of my home too. My husband is the mirror who mirrors me and what I am. Everything is poised for growth-CORPORitual growth. I seek the blessings of my dear teacher .Let this association grow in trust, grow in peace, grow in faith and grow in abundance. To the rarest master who has walked this planet- Shri Raj Bhowmik -my teacher -my humble gratitude-in full faith, respect and love.
A dedication
The Harvest time.
At my doorstep life has come a full circle
Now it is harvest time.
The gardener who came along
carried the magic of flowering
He stood me up from the fall of autumn,
He woke me up from the slumber of winter
to the glory of the luminous summer sun;

To the soothing breeze of sweet scented spring
With him I have come to harvest this garden

My basket is full and brimming
Of fragrant flowers and ripe fruits
My heart flows with fulfillment
What a difference this gardener has made
to my soil; to my being
"From the garden of having more to the garden of being more"
Life has come a full circle
my gardener has seasoned this path with care
today is harvest time at my doorstep

Changing Destiny with Soul Relationships

Today As I write about  the Circle of life , I recollect the path and the events which became a parable, leading me to this final abode of Love & compassion , where I met myself in Silence & found Me..

 Sri Raj Bhowmik has said in CORPORitual that “ One of the most important things that inner peace and tranquility does for us is that, it makes us aware of 'who' we really are. It introduces us, to ourselves.”. I humbly accept myself amidst all the impressions of pain, loss , hurt and defeat ..and happily  move on to forgive and bury the past ..I move on to complete the circle of life which showed me to myself, I move on to live my dream to make a better world , where unconditional love & complete faith can move mountains..I move on to manifest my purpose of existence rather than get involved in petty issues of hurt, anger & loss.

I say this today only after a strong realization that my Life has indeed come a Full Circle. Through out this circle I have felt empowered from deep within.
I was a very energetic, outspoken, extrovert kind of girl, who was always sure about my destinations, stops, pauses, decisions in life ..(or it seemed so !). Packed with this unlimited supply of “never say never again” spirit , I was surging ahead in life with full force. With absolutely no intention to “marry “ I dreamt of pursuing a career in which creativity, imagination and service altered lives & hearts.

Firmly believing that complete faith and unconditional love , can alter all misfortunes, ward off any evil and bring harmony in family & relationship, my search lead me to meet a number of teachers, masters, events & happenings in life which just helped me strengthen my inner belief all the more. With the unconditional support of very loving parents and ever supporting grand parents, I embarked upon a roller coaster journey of life and events which time & again tested my faith & trust in me . I seemingly emerged a winner all the time till I met someone & decided to settle down in life. At this point, a forecast by an astrologer about our marital future was always laughed upon by me, as I was sure that my nature would turn the events against the foretelling .

Completely unaware as I was, of A Master Painter who was busy painting my life in various shades and that very soon the darker shades were to appear, I got married (much to the surprise of my biological family, friends & relatives !) and entered yet another institution of Life's greatest learning .

My biggest learning thus began and it took 15 years of rigorous learning till the last drop in the cup came in the form of an episode, way back in 2010 , which ungrounded me completely , brought about a great marital dis-harmony resulting in excessively stressed out relationship , coupled with my worsening Asthma, my temper flaring up by leaps & bounds , resulting in several outbursts, thus, victimizing my kids and a deep sense of despair and hopelessness had started to set in . All this baffled me completely. Till, one day I woke up & felt disgusted to look at myself in mirror. I felt disgust at what I saw! I needed an answer for all the happenings... I had to change..This is not Me! I needed a makeover..I needed to Heal..!

The moment this thought flashed across , I landed up under the most weird circumstances in SAHHEAL and thus began my Soul's journey . My life came a full circle. SHCC made me realize the whys & the hows of things and happenings...the C- VOL broke all the myths which shrouded the truth from getting exposed & brought me in touch with myself. I lost myself completely in Raj's essence & as soon as I allowed HIM to take over, I got in touch with the child hidden with in me. I realized that the dreams were all intact, the heart was still beating , I realized that I was not Dead..! I was alive & throbbing..It was all there the desires, the dreams, the feelings. All I needed was the bath which this platform called SPF gave to my soul and I am living today..I am alive.. I am accepted fully , completely , wholly in this space . I am ME again. Today, I ask like a child and I am sure it shall be granted too....I am a family member of Soulbath Peace Foundation and I always want it to be so.! I am a winner and..That's my Circle of life!
“..In the middle of this noisy, wild and hectic world, Silence and peace is 
something we are increasingly missing in our lives. This is exactly where CORPORitual comes as the key to the present era, which will lead everyone to wisdom & freedom, away from the present era's distractions and sufferings, and help people to live in harmony with the Universal principals that are the very basis of our existence”- Sri Raj Bhowmik – the winning edict - CORPORitual.