A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

'The World is yet to know about You. We take Your Message and Your Essence through this platform.'

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Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Editorial: November "Being The Child"

Dear Readers,

This issue of Sacred Sanctum is dedicated to the very Being inside us - The Child. As the world celebrates Universal Children's Day on Nov 20th, this edition is invoking that spontaneous energy that we are all born with - The energy that is looking forward, has abundant energy, willing to learn and grow. The Child is the progressive aspect of a human. 
Our conditioned beliefs limit this child and as an impact we feel that we don't belong, we are not good and that we cannot trust. Invoking you to release this child slowly within yourself - a child who is compassionate, a child who can give unconditionally and a child that is Useful.

Cover Story is a soul stirring Appeal to just be - to leave and throw the Masks, to accept, Be and Act together from a Child space , from a happy accepting space.

Growing to Leap is an experience of an individual who has been deeply touched by the Essence of Sri Raj Bhowmik . When living brings us to crossroads, & we have never taken a road before, trusting the inner voice & heart always makes us take the growing decisions. This is Pooja's experience.

Awakening to a New Dawn - To accept and walk Living knowing fully well the game we are playing, to break free from tags, labels and roles and just be - to accept our core  and be useful is this beautiful piece of Peace.
Soul Transformation is a personal experience of a healer Rama Awasthi in her second innings towards sustainable living. There is a difference between knowing, understanding and living.  When we live it, the cells of our body have believed and have already begun living. Living is the action and there are multiple rewards. Rama's living is a testimony today of those rewards from Sri Raj Bhowmik.

Happy Growing for all ages: The importance of Faith and how we connect to Faith in our living. A child has implicit faith in the Mother but over years of our conditioning, we begin to act faith through crisis. Bhanu's learning about living at all times rather than situations & living from faith brings about the magical growth in Life situations.

Freedom to be is our inherant right to feel comfortable with who we are and comes from a Source within. Ask a child & you will always find them in perfect harmony with who they are. Psychologist Manvitha reflects in the Light of Sri Raj Bhowmik.

Soul Parenting is an article from Sri Raj Bhowmik - A Gift to parents on Children's Day !!
As we welcome a New Year to Dawn, may every day in the month bring more awareness to discover and live the child inside you to allow more abundance & create more happiness inside and around everywhere you go.

With Peace,
Sacred Sanctum

Cover Story: The Masked Child Inside

Today on the occasion of Children's day the web is full of sad pictures depicting malnourished, deprived, lonely & hungry children ..in Somalia, Slums of India..children on streets.... etc. There is a wave of sympathy building up all over the web , donations getting poured in...Many hearts being wrenched & many tears being dropped for their general apathy.... Good!

Such pictures however,  are reflecting a very different story to me today...
These kids and their condition are at least recognized by few individuals/ organizations and hence work is been done upon them..there is awareness  been created too but the irony is that there are a large , growing number of so called  "healthy , Nourished"  kids around us , in our own families ..whose inner state reflect the same story. These kids are outwardly well provided for.. with best of education, clothed in branded items, going around in shopping malls in expensive cars....but they are still angry, lonely, hungry, confused, let down, insecure and labeled.... One needs an inner eye and not a camera to see such millions of kids around...they are amongst us. ..between us..right now, right here...No need to go looking for them in any slums

 or Somalia...They have fancy names...and live in the most posh residential complexes... shrouded in sham , their behaviour & bodies sending out SOS messages for recognition of their inside story.."I exist . Look at me too... There is no difference between the Malnourished child in Somalia and me...We are the same...Our inner being is malnourished.. Do open your soul's eye and look into me ..I am hungry, insecure, lonely...I am a void inside...I am not allowed to complain as I am wrapped up in the best of material things.. I lie, I manipulate, I am scared...I have to live up to the expectations of the so called "Educated, Up market Corporate parental guidelines..I am being prepared for the Rat Marathon..I am just another product of this crazy Rat- race.. I am a child buried in the layers of many glittering masks..!

Today, let us all look  into our own families first and then at the immediate environment ..we shall definitely recognize such faces romping around happily under the dazzling shine of golden masks...its easy to find such children. They are the ones who carry the labels of  ...Naughty, bully, brat, spoiled, nice, good, obedient, logical , emotional ,sensitive, stubborn, shy, brave, coward, cry baby, over smart etc... Ever wondered why? If we as parents & as community are so good at bringing up children then why do we have such labeled children all around? Its time we pause & think not from our mind space but from a deep compassionate space within.. Its time we start sprinkling our own families & environment with awareness & love..and gently rip off the labels from every child...No child comes with masks...we the unaware individuals put it on them..the child just lives up to it..simple...! A child labeled as obedient shall keep on living up to the image & shall be obedient under all circumstances & events  through out her life...Life shall continue to shower the child with events which require her to be disobedient at least once but because of the burden of the label which the child carries.. it would be difficult for the child to rip it off easily, even if it means to live  with suppressed expressions & in a claustrophobic relationship.

 The more we go deep with in, the more we recognize such children around us within us... Its time to wake up and get in touch with the child inside us for once..Its only when we start working towards parenting the child within , the  sprinkling happens on the outside and around too...!  Let us allow all labels  to  be dropped from a child..and that includes the child inside each one of us too. Let there be Freedom to Dream..to build..to  construct ..to destruct..Just let the child BE !

Happy Children's Day !

Awakening To A New Dawn

The child is demanding

The mother is stressed

The husband dominates

The wife repressed

The boss too political

The sub-ordinate distressed

The aunt brags

The rich show off

They are mean

The poor await

Everyone wants to prove

And life goes on

Anxious, painful, insulted, unhappy

Because of too much resistance

That is the problem too

Acceptance is the solution

Isn”nt  It?

As we learn to accept situations in life, truth, happiness and awareness - the most priceless possessions are ours.    It is the treasure that will help us conquer our own Self. We are That. We are. Every incident in life comes to teach us only this. 

Acceptance -we all need to  understand this word. It is the subtle art of witnessing ourselves without labels The true essence is with us waiting to be realized. Why do we want to struggle? Situations come our way because we have invited it. Just accept and we have a beautiful life awaiting to flow through us.

Lets be a flute in the lips of the Divine and It”s music will flow through us . In acceptance the fragrance of our own lives will flow and fill us and all around us.

Let us awake to a new dawn, a new life, a new essence just by Accepting.

With lots of love

Maa Narmadha

Freedom To Be : Growing In Freedom

As a child freedom is so much easier to experience, but, as an adult with the never ending dualities we hunt, we fall away from our natural self. A few years back into my life, at preschool, things were so easier and “I was with the flow of life”. But as an adult, with the control that we trophy-want-aspire, we do some where loose our innate ability to experience freedom. 

The same thing happened to me. I was so caught up trying to do my best to prove my best, not for myself, but for others… I felt choked up. Until one day when the whole thing changed my life, when I miserably failed in proving myself. Then, I realized that it was not worth it and I found my freedom was all the time with me. Just that I didnt want to embrace it because I was all the time running away from it. Why? Because I wanted to be sophisticated so that people don’t realise my weakness.

Well today, I love my life! I went on a search to know what I really want to do by following my interests. This happened very early in my life so I did get a chance to experience freedom through experimentation of choosing from different career and pursuing my hobbies & interests. I did invest a few years in this and everybody called me crazy. But, it didn't deter me and to be honest I didn't care as I knew I was being led by Lord – my intentions were pure and I had been asking for answers & guidance from the All Mighty. I became a Psychologist and very recently I met SAHHEAL and out of the blue I was there standing at SAHHEAL enrolling myself for the course. I am just around a week old and have been able to experience freedom in a grander sense. 

Freedom to me is defined and now redefined at Raj Bhowmik Group. Now, I live my life with a deep appreciation and understanding of life, which makes it simpler and easier to embrace “my freedom”. As its said at Soulbath Peace Foundation “Meet Yourself in Silence” and “choose what you want to manifest” has made my life so much more worthwhile: I choose to live free in my kingdom. My deepest thanks goes out to Guru Raj Bhowmik for showing one can experience joy happiness and freedom if one takes that leap of faith and follows one’s heart!

Soul Transformation; A Second Innings is Born

This is all about a journey of life which sounds so beautiful at its 43rd year. Till before some months it was confusing with anger and resentment. But now when I look back it seems that everything had been in order. All I needed was  realization. I was reluctant on joining SAHHEAL workshop (3 levels) thinking I have attended enough of workshops on spiritualism and breathing techniques etc... from the time we (me and my family) had settled down in Bangalore in 2005.  Life  has been different after attending the SAHHEAL workshops.  Initially I was was not happy in a sense I was not clear. I did not know what I wanted and then it seemed as if some force was at work. I was surrounded with situations like sickness in the family (including me)

On an average I was spending some 4 to 5 hours at various hospitals on a daily basis.  Business also became dull and not stable. These kind of situations definitely  affect  relationships due  to  the extra work it involves -  like who will do what.  Everybody feels over burdened with work. On the other hand I was trying to improve situations with the help of manifestations and affirmations. I was loosing faith in affirmations (but now I know they work because I was guided to SAHHEAL . )

With lot of resistance I came for level one but the first day itself I realized that it was meant for me. I needed just that. Within  the first few hours all the resistance was washed away and soon things started improving. I was at peace and started looking forward to have a better life.

Everything started coming on track. I was looking forward for the second level. I noticed that SAHHEAL workshops are different from other spiritual workshops ( it is not at all a comparison, just a difference which I noticed)   They are different in a way that  they are beyond the rules and technicality. I ( other participants too) were told about the space we work from and how our environment is a part of us. ( now I knew why my affirmations were not working before SAHHEAL workshops because I was working from a space of anger and I was not very keen on anything about my environment) the best part is, the moment I realized this, one by one all my manifestations and affirmations started coming true in reality.
All three levels removed all the blockages within me and a flow started in my life. My creativity increased and relationships improved.  Effect was such that I saw my mother (who is 85 years old and known for depriving herself from all goodness of life) started taking interest in things like going out and eating outside food. It was nice to witness how wonderfully everything changed.

Being a therapist, I feel it is very important to mention that after 3 levels only those who know what they want and who are willing to change are guided to my practice. I belong to a business family and our business is providing new creative ways to grow.
I am very happy to be a SAHHEAL Healing Consultant and very much willing to carry the essence of our founder Shri Raj Bhowmik to heal and to grow, more and more each day. I love my life and my environment and I am grateful to Soulbath Peace Foundation to give me a chance to do something where I can help others to see life as a beautiful journey.

Once again my sincere thanks to Soulbath Peace Foundation, The Founder Shri Raj Bhowmik  for bringing change in my life and in my environment.

Rama Awasthi

Growing To Leap

Growth is the most essential essence of life. Growing not only in age but in all aspect, such as in career, relationships and most importantly growing within. In this fast paced corporate life we often feel that if we pass each class and finally graduate from the best universities or to get a promotion in our job means growing.But growing is much more than this. Amidst the hustle bustle of life we tend to neglect our inner self which actually needs to grow.
This realization is hard to have in a normal life. I  consider myself  very lucky  for I could get a chance to look into my inner self and also get to know what growing actually means. All this was made possible with the help of SAHHEAL. I was introduced to SAHHEAL through my elder sister. Initially I was very hesitant to come to SAHHEAL but today I don’t regret even a bit.
Coming to SAHHEAL taught me that, the way we look at a thing is not always the only way to look at it, there could be other ways too. During my first visit to SAHHEAL I learned there is always a reason as to why a person behaves in a particular manner and to know that reason we have to go to the root to have a clear understanding.
Before I had been to SAHHEAL even I was living with too many wrong notions or should say wrong believes but now those so called wrong believes are slowly washing away. The sense of timidness and dependency in me is also going away. Now I know that whatever decision I take would be my decision and I would be responsible for it. This was my first small step towards growing and growing in a more aware manner.
In one’s life everything is linked, nothing is left loose. In my life whatever I was going through had a direct link to my relation with someone in my own family. When you think about it in silence you come to know that same patterns are being repeated everywhere and it is very important to break that pattern so that you can move forward without fear or grievances. I have learned one very important thing during SAHHEAL, whatever happens in life happens for a reason because life wants to tell us something. We just have to keep our eyes and ears open so that we can receive the message clearly.
Knowing our self and growing along with complete self knowledge is wonderful. You will never have any complains about yourself or about anyone else.My interactions with SAHHEAL has been an eye opener at every step, it has taught me to look at things, situations and most importantly people around me from different angles leaving aside my perceptions. All this has happened with the Blessing of Sri Raj Bhowmik who chose me to be a part of SAHHEAL.
I thank Sri Raj Bhowmik for being my master and guiding me. I would also like to thank my sister who literally pulled me to SAHHEAL. This is the best gift she ever gave me. Thank you.

                                                                                                           - Pooja Dwivedi

Happy Growing for all ages

I would like to share with all of you as to what I learnt
about faith and trust in my SAHHEAL Stage 2.   When I heard about faith , I applied it whenever a crisis happened in my life.  By blaming situations or people around us at the time of crisis, and shifting the responsibility on someone else, takes us away from focus, we lose sight of our higher purpose and lessons to be learnt.  As I was thinking on these lines and discussing with my husband suddenly the realization dawned on me that trust or faith should pervade every aspect of our lives, it should be the very essence of our living.  It is interwoven with the very fabric of our lives.  Whether it is dealing with money, health or the very process of living it is the feeling that I will be provided for at all times, whenever the need arises.  The feeling of being safe, secure in the hands of the higher self, teaches us to  trust. This  realization gave me a sense of lightness and a new meaning to life.  This lightness came with the hope that there is no need to hoard or feel possessive about anything in life.  We can trust  and be grateful to life. and start living.
Thank you,

Soul Parenting: By Sri Raj Bhowmik

Parents provide a constant and consistent environment to the developing child and a school enhances cognitive and social skills. As most parents come back tired from work, have chores to complete, conference calls late at night and children have tons of homework, their world is slowly moving out of balance. To compensate this lack of energy, children are taken to malls, gaming and buying products and gadgets. But the result is that these gifts are only aiding a complex and quick behavioral process in a child that is conditional. Gazing and being with nature is being substituted for resort vacations and quick holidays. Many children, therefore, are trying to fit in the parent's lifestyle thus copying quickness where gadgets are substituting spontaneous relationships. Children are hyperactive, quick and sometimes diseases like asthma, viral infections and wheezing become common.

New age children are exposed to a wide range of information. To help children make more meaning of their world, parents play a big role through their direct interactions than substitute routines or objects. Dinner and sleep time, weekend chores can be a great tool to engage children with parents constructively.
 A regular bonding time during weekend away from malls, movies and gaming can help children connect to nature in its natural best.

 Parenting comes in two shades in a family - an over indulgent parent who compromises a lot, carries guilt in the relationship is overtly providing for all of the child's needs. On the other hand, a telling parent often directs and instructs not giving the child too many choices.  Basic children's needs are to be safe in an environment where they can express and be understood. This allows them to share and be acknowledged. 21st century parents can provide a big, safe stadium where children feel safe.

A call to parents
"I appeal to you, to let your children dream. Let them be free to build castles in the air. In fact, encourage and support them in doing so. In the future, when you see your child actually building the castle that he/she has always dreamt of, have a proud smile on your face. And your heart, full of pride, will know that you helped him/her reach his dream by lending him a helping hand right from the time he wasn't even able to walk on his own. You helped him complete the very first and the most important phase, the foundation phase. You helped him 'dream'."


Friday, 28 October 2011

Editorial October "Acceptance in its Wholeness"

Sacred Sanctum in October features the powerful vibration of Acceptance.

Acceptance is that power through which one looks at the object/ person / situation as it is without any largeness or smallness.

Often in our lives, our conditioning has created so many labels and the more we attach to those labels, the more it builds in our minds about it, they way we should or the want somebody else wants it to be. This process creates an illusion of what “is” and therefore brings in all the feeling of separatedness, fear, breaking of expectations and then castles falling off because in the first place to begin with, we did not look at it the way it is.

When we love Living & look at a situation the way it is offered to us, we look at the minute details of it. If we have identified the Common Purpose and the reason it exists in our Life, we can surely accept it and the situation/ person/ object then becomes the stepping stone through which we learn about Living more consciously. 

The poem, the ‘Feeling’ that is God emphasizes the aspects of oneself, the unconsciousness that exists and the acknowledgment to grow and nurture to transform what we are meant to do in an environment with acceptance.

Body Awareness this month focuses on Acceptance of a body condition. Sometimes in Life, we think if we are doing things at a mind level perfect in accordance to the highest quality, we are happy. But our bodies show a different story. Stillness and happiness in the body depends on the quality of acceptance vibrations rather than quality products that we think are good and therefore pump in. A Bacteria growing in the body becomes the stepping stone in this situation to learn acceptance in the Health section.

Clear the ‘I’ helps the reader understand how the conditioning is built up upon responses received from the environment about ‘likes’ and ‘Dislikes’. We have grown up with what others feel good about us. When will we realize the true potential of who we are & what we are meant for to contribute?

Marriage sometimes is a huge turning point in our Life and could be a great internship phase too, where we learn some of the biggest realizations about acceptance. Two phases of Marriage – an Entry and a Sustenance is discussed through the learning of two individuals ; one through what seemed a happily married ever after story and another to create the happy ever after image, what we run after. Both being Illusions, it is with what we are given, we can choose to create more with informed choices.

The Flavour of acceptance strongly changes the environment. In Soul Parenting a Mother unveils her instincts to understand and flow with the needs of her child. To be a parent who is neutral and helps in the blossoming of the aspects of an independent child is rare. As parents we impose subtly or hard, what we lacked. But to allow the blossoming of an individual and to blossom with the child is a beautiful learning as parents. Children are higher beings. To know and understand them, is to know oneself. To help and nurture them, is to nurture yourself.

The flavour of acceptance changes the vibrations at home and the smallest things. It is not tangible but visible and surely felt. Sharing the story of change in her life, a mother shares the response of her son as he senses it.

Accepting one’s environment and oneself as it is and as we are, and then developing a common purpose to be more Useful in the given, is how Living becomes a celebration every moment.

"The spring will go, the fog will appear, and the green in the tree will not remain. But who can take away what 'Is'."
-Sri Raj Bhowmik

Soul Poem: The Feeling That Is God

Dearest, this feels like God,
Not the stone -statue I mean...
It’s the One who breezes through all
Our turbulence and
Creates flowerbeds out of wastelands
Indeed this feels like God.
In form the One hasn't come
In essence he is all over -
Omnicient,omnipresent ,compassionate 

Dearest, my wishes are numerous.
I feel guilty and mean when I ask
My alms are not worth the attention of the world
Yet I ask
from wishing for parties to seeking for harmony
I ask
Sometimes in fear,
Sometimes in shame,
Sometimes I demand and dare
From the one who feels like God
Purify me,
Purge me and
Give me a rebirth

Dearest All ,this absolutely feels like god
He comes,
Right to where I have thrown all my garbage.
Purges and purifies...
Totally sanctifies.
Every passing day, I wake with love
I sleep in peace, I sing, dance and celebrate

Dearest, magnanimous one.
In this vast endless land,
There are sights beyond my seeing,
There are paths beyond my little steps,
There are truths beyond what I comprehend,
In ignorance I do not know ,
In awareness you are the only presence
The only way is to ask for a  space to walk
By you ,with you, for you, give the way you do
Just in humble gratitude.

Acceptance and Transformation

" Acceptance of oneself " is being at peace with oneself --- being in harmony with the environment --- that is where the ripple starts. Once the ripple starts it is an effortless on going process. The flow in life begins. The scene keeps changing but the flow continues, since there is no dependency on  anything exterior to sustain it. The force that starts the ripple has to come from within. And that force can be created only when we accept, love and respect ourselves. Once that is in place all conflict with the environment ceases. Acceptance of your own self and others begins and life becomes joyful..
This awareness is something I have experienced personally and feel so gratetful to the 'Soulbath Peace Foundation'. In eight months of a few consultations with my Life Coach and then the SAHHEAL HEALING CONSULTATION workshop, my life has changed completely. An awareness and understanding has developed in so many different areas in my life.
Our son who lives in Mumbai comes to live with us whenever he visits Bangalore. On earlier  visits he would enter the house, we would exchange greetings, and spend prime time as a family. On his last visit he entered our home, and asked if we had made any changes in the lights, furniture arrangements etc. with the remark "It looks so different." Next morning he asked if we had changed the bed or  mattress, with the remark "It was so comfortable" Nothing had changed in our living room or the bed but he felt the difference. This difference was the change in our environment, our body language, our communication and the SAHHEAL fragrance. Thankyou SAHHEAL!

Brand "I"

Clear the “I”

A Gratitude to My Master whom I consider at the highest Respect in My life.

Being Associated with Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik should be experienced and cannot be explained.
I thank our founder to have given me this opportunity to write this article on one of the Learning’s that he provided.

As a child we are pure in nature and live life free of any diverted thoughts. We behave like the Divine flows through us. We host the divine Qualities .Our very glance makes every one pull a smile on their faces .Our Presence makes a difference in the environment. We are a delight even to the strangers. We are so unconditional in our being. We are flowers by ourselves sprinkling the fragrance all over.

 As we grow up in life we start with the thought that I like to do this and start getting used to what we like .We start taking up thoughts like I like to eat this and I like to do that.
We start working towards our likes and dislikes .We start achieving what we wish to achieve in life. We get appreciated and get known for our achievements and capabilities. We get jobs based on our achievements and then we realize Like I am capable of this . and I can achieve this .The I starts building its Brand day by day . The I today after a long journey builds a lot of qualities like. I am This .I am not That . I Love This . I Hate That.I Understand a lot of things .I can make a difference. I don’t like that. I feel secured. I feel unsecured. I don’t care. I do care .I don’t fear, I fear and I get scared and many more.

This I has built a heavy brand and is marketing it self with in itself and outside itself. The I has also taken responsibility to take itself forward. The I also takes care of itself when it is stressed by praying to the god and by doing meditation. The I also plans treatments to the body it holds and plans exercises to keep the body fit. The I grows Stronger and Stronger day by day to the extent where it takes responsibility of itself for all its deeds and results. It also whole heartedly prays to god and does good deeds. The I does become everything in life.

But Where is that being once hosted by divine quality, where is that being which brought a smile on everyone’s face with just one single glance. Where is that flower with fragrance .The I blocks everything to do with divine. The I also blocks the Truth & Essence of Meditation. It blocks every true fragrance of the flower we are. It blocks the true connect to the Soul and the divine. It blocks the divine flow through us.

Divine Loves us so much that it keeps trying to flow through us again and again. The I keeps blocking us in different ways. This I which did not exist when we were born and which will not exist after we perish keeps blocking the divine.

Clear the “I” and the divine will flow in abundance in our lives because divine loves us and that is why we exist here today. DIVINE is abundant and it Flows abundantly and gives abundance.

With all the respect bowing down to My Master Sri Raj Bhowmik to take his blessing and paying gratitude to have got this article completed.

Soul Relationships: Marriage Of a Mad World

All of us, all through most of our lifetime only run. Run from one event in life to another. Run from one incidence into something ahead that we believe is more fulfilling. Run from one stage of our life to the next, believing blindly that in the course of time it will give us what we expect. Sometimes, we do not even know what it is that we expect from the change we are trying to get into. The point is to run. “Everyone else is and If I do not, I may be ridiculed. So let’s RUN!”. Most of us, unfortunately end up living a running life. The blessed ones however get a reminder to stop or are even held on by the masters putting an obstruction on our running field. It might take us a while to realize that the obstruction is only a hurdle to jump on to the higher level. Some of us might waste a lot of time in realizing how helpful the hurdle is. A few of us are helped again by some angels at such a  stage.Taking me as an instance: Raj Bhowmik and Soulbath Peace Foundation came into my life at such a hurdle stage.

I was running in circles trying to get into the flow of the material life. A great job, a huge circle of friends, busy weekends, parties, shopping. Everything that could distract me from giving myself time to think about what I was meant to do in life. All set to get married too. At this juncture I was gifted sessions at SAHHEAL by a dear friend who thought it would ‘ready’ me with the big change awaiting ahead. The most thoughtful and the best wedding gift I could have wished for. Little had I thought then about what I would face in the coming days. SAHHEAL not only equipped me mentally for being able to share my life peacefully with my partner but also on how I could get on to a better place as a person- individually. My old hobbies began to manifest themselves into my life. My little interests came back reminding me of my quieter side. I could suddenly feel my breath and feel my life with it. All this- in the middle of the wedding preparation and chaos. I was walked into the pedestal of marriage with such positivity.All thanks to SPF and SAHHEAL! My wedding was the most beautiful one.

Nothing went wrong for it to be anything less than my dream wedding. Dream wedding-yes, Dream marriage- ??? Well, I had never imagined a dream marriage. My aspiration and run had only been made till the wedding. I was lost after this ‘event’ was over. There I was in my new home, with a partner who was not completely ready to be married. Had gotten himself into situations none could help him with. I was not made to run away. I was not made to hide. The seeds of SPF and Raj’s teachings were already in me. All I did was surrendered myself and my life completely to Raj. Went on to do my Soulbath Peace Foundation consultant course and decided that I was going to be a happier person leading a fulfilling life no matter what came up.

I have been hand held since that day , for me to be able to smile today and write this little article. A life that I want will manifest if I wish for it earnestly and do what I can to the best.  Raj and his divine presence in my life has made an ocean of a difference. I would have been a different person today if not. I write to Raj regularly, seek his blessings and take every step with a positive outlook.I am yet to manifest the marriage of my dreams but I know whatever comes my way will be enveloped with a blessing which will make life happier.

Thank you to my benefactor. I owe it all to you!

Thank you to Soulbath Peace Foundation , my dear friend and constant mentor for being the wind beneath my wings

Rediscovering Love

Here I was lying on the hospital bed and watching my husband take care of me. I could see the concern on his face. His actions and the way he took care of me spoke about his love for me. I always thought that my husband detested me, would be very happy and relieved if I am no more as he is not very expressive. He was always angry and frustrated and never approved most of the things about me. He picked faults with me for everything and had denied me of motherhood for the last eight years.

Today I could see the fright of losing me on his face. He spoke less but actions proved that he really loved me and cared for me. This was the turning point in my life.
I was hospitalized because my blood pressure had shot up to 180/100. I was diagnosed with a hemorrhage in the brain. This was because my parents had come to know about my other relationship. I was ashamed to face anybody.

It was time to think if I was right in continuing my relationship with another man who was married and had a child and could not promise me any future. I felt I was deceiving too many people. I wanted to end this relationship. This was not easy as I loved the other person too. He healed a huge part of my relationship my husband. It was time I made up my mind. I could not sail in two boats at the same time.

I tried talking to the other person but he would not let go. I was feeling terrible that I was hiding something from my husband. I had to confess to him and come upfront about my other relationship. I wanted to start afresh and did not want to have any thing hidden from him.
When I confessed to him, I did not expect him to forgive me or accept me but on the contrary he was so protective about me, forgave me and accepted me back. I couldn’t have asked for more of an acceptance from him. He turned out to be more magnanimous and noble. He had every right to be angry, to cut me out of his life but he accepted me back. This made feel that I had got back that entire love he had not expressed in so many years. Now it didn’t matter if he failed to express his love for me. I could feel his love for me and accepted to go the family way and is supporting me in every way.

When I started my sessions at SAHHEAL, I came to learn that that this other person had come as my teacher who opened up my husband’s love for me. I also learnt to forgive myself and my husband and the other man. Through Sri Raj Bhowmik's Teachings, I also learnt about the fact that we are different individuals. I realized about my husband's love and care and acceptance towards me.

Awareness through the Body: Understanding & Listening to the Body

How my illness transformed my life.

One fine day I was found to have Tuberculosis. My ground slipped away. It was a big blow as I was only 35, ate only organic and unrefined food, had already completed my counselor's course in SPF. Everything according to me was perfect. 

It took almost a week for me to accept the illness and  was willing to take charge. First I understood that my body is asking me to slowdown. Once I decided to slow down, it sank in me physically and mentally. I let go off many things.

One month went off without major incidents except for sudden depression or occasional self pity. One fine day my fatigue led to self pity and this led to a fight. I was asked to leave the house in the middle of the night. when I stood outside my locked door something suddenly changed. I saw myself in square one. How much ever I tried to change, a  small part of me is refusing to change. I know only a troubled life. I am so used to that life.

 I told myself that everything is going to be fine only when I wanted to change my current life. Immediately I dropped all my past memories. I was born new. I went to the terrace and started admiring the stars. In 5 minutes, my husband came looking for me. He looked agitated and tensed armed with his cellphone and car keys. He was equipped to handle emergency situation. But I was totally calm. My calmness conquered him too.

Its more than a month from that incident. My current life is the opposite of my old life...

With respect to my Husband (same husband), He now address me with all cute words, we have very small conversations but communicate a lot, he now also shares his dreams with me.

With respect to my children (11yr old girl and 8yr old boy), they have become more responsible and independent. One day when I was too tired they both made dinner for me. They fight less among themselves.

2 months back, I never thought my life will transform for good. I can only thank Tuberculosis.

Soul Parenting: A Bond Reinforced

I had always considered myself as a parent who brought up her kids in a very educated & healthy way, where I the MOM played a very crucial role in taking day to day decisions about my children’s life. I never gave it a second thought, that there could be any other way to bring up children, apart from the Mom’s way! I had educated myself fully & properly, attended most up-market parenting classes, eminent parenting workshops, reading the latest in parenting books, being a member of quite a few online parenting communities, and, with my accumulated “knowledge” about parenting skills  , I had formed a “MY WAY”, of bringing up the kids ! This MY Way was about working in accordance with a “mother’s instinct” & being very proud that most of the times I was correct. No one was allowed to take any decision regarding any part of “My” Kid’s life as I couldn’t comprehend that there could be any other method to shape a child’s character & future than my self devised one!. I advised the same to the Mommy Friends around me & we the “Mom’s brigade” were very vainly & proudly, treading upon the self-glorified path to become an “Independent” & “In control “mom!

However, somewhere things were just not going “my way”...There were regular temper tantrums, disagreements, negotiations, sulking, blame game etc. at home, which I couldn’t handle. No amount of “accumulated “knowledge worked. Small squabbling resulting into heated arguments, banging of doors as a show of protest, uncontrollable crying & not letting go of any issue. I was alarmed at that & started seeking an answer once again, as, somewhere deep inside I knew its time for things to change...

I thus, entered a calm & nurturing space with my 6 year old at Raj Bhowmik Schools and my entire pursuit to be the “I- know- it- all “MOM was ripped apart gently and kindly towards being a “Receptive & ready- to-change Mom” ! .

It started with my unaware instructions to my child that Raj Bhowmik Schools is the best place to be (“Because I chose it for you, so “!) & that he has to be at his best behavior too. ! No choice was given to him.

It went fine for the first few days; however, a big meltdown happened one fine day!  My son refused to cooperate & follow instructions & sat sulking & barking in one corner of the class. he refused to be a part of the class . That had it! All my confidence, faith & believes about me being able to “Manage” everything flawlessly, when it comes to my kids, just underwent a major setback!

I was clueless & didn’t know how to turn the situation in the classes favour. At that point, it was Raj Bhowmik School’s philosophy & patient understanding of the situation bailed us out of the unpleasantness of the tantrum ...However, more had to be worked upon from my side now , consistently and from a compassionate and deep space...at home.

I took guidance from the Raj Bhowmik Schools and started working on my child’s behavior & on his routine. Work had to be done over the entire week & feedback to be given to Raj Bhowmik Schools, on Friday, the day before the next class. The work included some simple & regular exercises, like:

·       Setting aside a quite time with the child to talk & discuss about the learning at RB schools.

·       To ask him kindly whether this school was forced on him or not?

·       To give him a choice of leaving or attending the school.

·       To plan the next class excitedly along with him & from a very aligned self.

·       To go to bed latest by 9.30p.m. On nights before the school. No late nights or exciting parties, trips etc. on nights before the class. This would let him be in a calm space even the following day.

·       The mornings, when we had to leave to Raj Bhowmik Schools, have to start early with some light exercise routine or Surya Namaskar, to be done along with Priyangshu. (He is my teacher in Surya Namaskar)

·       Followed by a Carbohydrate rich breakfast like; Paratha/ Dosa, Eggs/ Toast/ Fruits and Milk. That would sustain the child till the activity class ended & kept him alert & attentive too. No Chocos or Corn flakes, as they tend to be light & the child feels hungry & low on energy very soon.

·       The child could help in the preparation of the breakfast too.

All this worked wonderfully & my son & I changed by leaps & bounds over the week. Meal times became bonding times & I realized that Priyangshu was full of energy for positive things when on full stomach. He talks about his learning about relationships, nature, art, movie making to his sister & nature walks, nature talks have become an intrinsic part of his daily routine.

What has been my learning? I have learned that:

· There are times when we the super efficient Moms just have to step back & observe.

· These are the times when fathers have to be given a chance to bond with the child too, in their own special way.

· Meal times are special family bonding times ,

· Learning is fun when done together.

· Choices are important & we as parents should ensure a constant enriching environment to help a child make conscious choices in their day to day lives.

· Last but not the least, I have learned that all children are made of the same clay but not baked in the same oven...I have thankfully found that space for my child to come out fully transformed & properly baked...

 At Raj Bhowmik Schools I have realized that children are our second chance to have a great parent-child relationship !