Clear the “I”
A Gratitude to My Master whom I consider at the highest Respect in My life.
Being Associated with Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik should be experienced and cannot be explained.
I thank our founder to have given me this opportunity to write this article on one of the Learning’s that he provided.
As a child we are pure in nature and live life free of any diverted thoughts. We behave like the Divine flows through us. We host the divine Qualities .Our very glance makes every one pull a smile on their faces .Our Presence makes a difference in the environment. We are a delight even to the strangers. We are so unconditional in our being. We are flowers by ourselves sprinkling the fragrance all over.
As we grow up in life we start with the thought that I like to do this and start getting used to what we like .We start taking up thoughts like I like to eat this and I like to do that.
We start working towards our likes and dislikes .We start achieving what we wish to achieve in life. We get appreciated and get known for our achievements and capabilities. We get jobs based on our achievements and then we realize Like I am capable of this . and I can achieve this .The I starts building its Brand day by day . The I today after a long journey builds a lot of qualities like. I am This .I am not That . I Love This . I Hate That.I Understand a lot of things .I can make a difference. I don’t like that. I feel secured. I feel unsecured. I don’t care. I do care .I don’t fear, I fear and I get scared and many more.
This I has built a heavy brand and is marketing it self with in itself and outside itself. The I has also taken responsibility to take itself forward. The I also takes care of itself when it is stressed by praying to the god and by doing meditation. The I also plans treatments to the body it holds and plans exercises to keep the body fit. The I grows Stronger and Stronger day by day to the extent where it takes responsibility of itself for all its deeds and results. It also whole heartedly prays to god and does good deeds. The I does become everything in life.
But Where is that being once hosted by divine quality, where is that being which brought a smile on everyone’s face with just one single glance. Where is that flower with fragrance .The I blocks everything to do with divine. The I also blocks the Truth & Essence of Meditation. It blocks every true fragrance of the flower we are. It blocks the true connect to the Soul and the divine. It blocks the divine flow through us.
Divine Loves us so much that it keeps trying to flow through us again and again. The I keeps blocking us in different ways. This I which did not exist when we were born and which will not exist after we perish keeps blocking the divine.
Clear the “I” and the divine will flow in abundance in our lives because divine loves us and that is why we exist here today. DIVINE is abundant and it Flows abundantly and gives abundance.
With all the respect bowing down to My Master Sri Raj Bhowmik to take his blessing and paying gratitude to have got this article completed.
The "I" is quite lovingly throbbing with the essence of the Divine ..the Creator...The same energy which flows thru You , Me and all, is at times, in an unaware state does gets blocked by the Impostor "I "...However, continuously flowing with the essence of a Master - Divine, washes away the False "I" and then what emerges from the depths of the real self,is theinner pure being is the real "I"..The writer has expressed the whole process of the replacement of the imposed Brand "I " with the self realized Brand "I" very clearly...Best wishes for the Article.