A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

'The World is yet to know about You. We take Your Message and Your Essence through this platform.'

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Friday, 28 October 2011

Acceptance and Transformation

" Acceptance of oneself " is being at peace with oneself --- being in harmony with the environment --- that is where the ripple starts. Once the ripple starts it is an effortless on going process. The flow in life begins. The scene keeps changing but the flow continues, since there is no dependency on  anything exterior to sustain it. The force that starts the ripple has to come from within. And that force can be created only when we accept, love and respect ourselves. Once that is in place all conflict with the environment ceases. Acceptance of your own self and others begins and life becomes joyful..
This awareness is something I have experienced personally and feel so gratetful to the 'Soulbath Peace Foundation'. In eight months of a few consultations with my Life Coach and then the SAHHEAL HEALING CONSULTATION workshop, my life has changed completely. An awareness and understanding has developed in so many different areas in my life.
Our son who lives in Mumbai comes to live with us whenever he visits Bangalore. On earlier  visits he would enter the house, we would exchange greetings, and spend prime time as a family. On his last visit he entered our home, and asked if we had made any changes in the lights, furniture arrangements etc. with the remark "It looks so different." Next morning he asked if we had changed the bed or  mattress, with the remark "It was so comfortable" Nothing had changed in our living room or the bed but he felt the difference. This difference was the change in our environment, our body language, our communication and the SAHHEAL fragrance. Thankyou SAHHEAL!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing had changed in the exterior env. but the change in the deepest & the inner most env. overflowed in the family, home & immediate env. of the writer!Thats the beauty of Self acceptance with a deep realization...It is a wonderful feeling to see that the writer has taken a giant leap to feel the power of Accepting the self!
