Growth is the most essential essence of life. Growing not only in age but in all aspect, such as in career, relationships and most importantly growing within. In this fast paced corporate life we often feel that if we pass each class and finally graduate from the best universities or to get a promotion in our job means growing.But growing is much more than this. Amidst the hustle bustle of life we tend to neglect our inner self which actually needs to grow.
This realization is hard to have in a normal life. I consider myself very lucky for I could get a chance to look into my inner self and also get to know what growing actually means. All this was made possible with the help of SAHHEAL. I was introduced to SAHHEAL through my elder sister. Initially I was very hesitant to come to SAHHEAL but today I don’t regret even a bit.
Coming to SAHHEAL taught me that, the way we look at a thing is not always the only way to look at it, there could be other ways too. During my first visit to SAHHEAL I learned there is always a reason as to why a person behaves in a particular manner and to know that reason we have to go to the root to have a clear understanding.
Before I had been to SAHHEAL even I was living with too many wrong notions or should say wrong believes but now those so called wrong believes are slowly washing away. The sense of timidness and dependency in me is also going away. Now I know that whatever decision I take would be my decision and I would be responsible for it. This was my first small step towards growing and growing in a more aware manner.
In one’s life everything is linked, nothing is left loose. In my life whatever I was going through had a direct link to my relation with someone in my own family. When you think about it in silence you come to know that same patterns are being repeated everywhere and it is very important to break that pattern so that you can move forward without fear or grievances. I have learned one very important thing during SAHHEAL, whatever happens in life happens for a reason because life wants to tell us something. We just have to keep our eyes and ears open so that we can receive the message clearly.
Knowing our self and growing along with complete self knowledge is wonderful. You will never have any complains about yourself or about anyone else.My interactions with SAHHEAL has been an eye opener at every step, it has taught me to look at things, situations and most importantly people around me from different angles leaving aside my perceptions. All this has happened with the Blessing of Sri Raj Bhowmik who chose me to be a part of SAHHEAL.
I thank Sri Raj Bhowmik for being my master and guiding me. I would also like to thank my sister who literally pulled me to SAHHEAL. This is the best gift she ever gave me. Thank you.
Knowing oneself or at least attempting to know one self is a wondrous leap that Pooja has taken at a young age by deciding to join the workshop at SAHHEAL. Standing at the threshold of a brand new marital life, SAHHEAL was the only place where she had to be ! She took the "right " decision in the "right" direction..All the best for embarking her Life's blessed journey called "Marraige"..