Sacred Sanctum in October features the powerful vibration of Acceptance.
Acceptance is that power through which one looks at the object/ person / situation as it is without any largeness or smallness.
Often in our lives, our conditioning has created so many labels and the more we attach to those labels, the more it builds in our minds about it, they way we should or the want somebody else wants it to be. This process creates an illusion of what “is” and therefore brings in all the feeling of separatedness, fear, breaking of expectations and then castles falling off because in the first place to begin with, we did not look at it the way it is.
When we love Living & look at a situation the way it is offered to us, we look at the minute details of it. If we have identified the Common Purpose and the reason it exists in our Life, we can surely accept it and the situation/ person/ object then becomes the stepping stone through which we learn about Living more consciously.
The poem, the ‘Feeling’ that is God emphasizes the aspects of oneself, the unconsciousness that exists and the acknowledgment to grow and nurture to transform what we are meant to do in an environment with acceptance.
Body Awareness this month focuses on Acceptance of a body condition. Sometimes in Life, we think if we are doing things at a mind level perfect in accordance to the highest quality, we are happy. But our bodies show a different story. Stillness and happiness in the body depends on the quality of acceptance vibrations rather than quality products that we think are good and therefore pump in. A Bacteria growing in the body becomes the stepping stone in this situation to learn acceptance in the Health section.
Clear the ‘I’ helps the reader understand how the conditioning is built up upon responses received from the environment about ‘likes’ and ‘Dislikes’. We have grown up with what others feel good about us. When will we realize the true potential of who we are & what we are meant for to contribute?
Marriage sometimes is a huge turning point in our Life and could be a great internship phase too, where we learn some of the biggest realizations about acceptance. Two phases of Marriage – an Entry and a Sustenance is discussed through the learning of two individuals ; one through what seemed a happily married ever after story and another to create the happy ever after image, what we run after. Both being Illusions, it is with what we are given, we can choose to create more with informed choices.
The Flavour of acceptance strongly changes the environment. In Soul Parenting a Mother unveils her instincts to understand and flow with the needs of her child. To be a parent who is neutral and helps in the blossoming of the aspects of an independent child is rare. As parents we impose subtly or hard, what we lacked. But to allow the blossoming of an individual and to blossom with the child is a beautiful learning as parents. Children are higher beings. To know and understand them, is to know oneself. To help and nurture them, is to nurture yourself.
The flavour of acceptance changes the vibrations at home and the smallest things. It is not tangible but visible and surely felt. Sharing the story of change in her life, a mother shares the response of her son as he senses it.
Accepting one’s environment and oneself as it is and as we are, and then developing a common purpose to be more Useful in the given, is how Living becomes a celebration every moment.
"The spring will go, the fog will appear, and the green in the tree will not remain. But who can take away what 'Is'."
-Sri Raj Bhowmik
-Sri Raj Bhowmik