A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

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Thursday, 25 August 2011

Transformations @ Soulbath Peace Foundation


 Bi Polar Mental Disorder:  Healing Through a Compassionate Environment

                                 A shattered mirror can't be fixed. It must be changed.
 If anyone is going to come and tell me that psychology and psychiatry have singularly rectified a mind disorder like Bi-Polar or MPD, I wouldn't be applauding the patient in awe. I will rather be cross checking the doctor as to whether he is just a psychologist or a psychoritualist (Life Transformationists). As a matter of fact, I am sure Psychology has reached a tip-off point where it can't do anything. Whereas in psychiatry the pill is the lord and the story ends there. So people with mind disorders think that they are an unfortunate lot with no sustainable remedies. 

Mind disorders are curable. Not in the way psychology or psychiatry approach it. The support of psychiatry will be required only till the time the patient realizes his inner chaos and initiates the process of changing that space where the madness is throwing up. The situation is unpromising if the sufferer is oblivious to pain through alcohol & a super fast Lifestyle and there is a complete blackout within. Life Transformationists feel,"even if there is a small lingering will to change within, chances of redeeming the person from the disorderly state is possible".

Healing mind disorders
belongs to the arena of an emerging breed of people who go beyond the frontiers of psychology .We can term  them life transformationalists or psychoritualists. Raj Bhowmik-The Founder of SAHHEAL is a pioneer in this field. The SAHHEAL Science unfolds the truth that man within himself carries a treasure house of healing resources like love, compassion, silence, forgiveness and Source-Purpose. When the power of these qualities are unleashed, phenomenal changes happen within us. Psychic disorders are a matter of alignment to our peace center within. Let us navigate this functional principle in detail.

There are some fundamentals to work on. The individual with the Medical Condition cannot be approached randomly. Since within them, they are experiencing pain and chaos. This clearly indicates that people with mind disorders should be approached from a calm, serene, tranquil, understanding, compassionate and forgiving space. A SAHHEAL Healing Consultant helps the care- giver who can be a spouse, mother, or a wife to align with these qualities within the environment of the Individual experiencing the Chaos. It is in this space chances of breaking ice with disorders like Bi-Polar are possible. In the SAHHEAL terminology it is called healing the micro.

When the shift from chaos to calmness and love is happening within (this will happen over a period of time), the individual becomes more and more receptive to a serene environment outside too. Gradually the SAHHEAL Healing Consultant starts working with the whole subconscious structure from where the pain is throwing up causing depression and madness.

What are mind disorders? Magnified negative patterns. Great transformationalist and mystic Sri Raj Bhowmik does not dissect negative patterns but heals them. Soothing positive and life affirmative notes are subtly fed into the sub-conscious and without the individual with the medical condition realizing ,it has an erasing effect on negative thought forms. In his path breaking book CORPORitual, Raj speaks about the time before sleep and before waking that are magical hours for this Work to magnify. Playing positive notes during these quiet hours has a healing impact on depression.

The pace of the patient's healing largely depends on his positive responses to positive and peaceful vibes within and their alignment to life & family environment as well as nurturing resources within. During this time it is essential to turn or attempt to turn everything the disturbed individual says into a positive affirmation than react & this is were SAHHEAL creates a supporting neutral environment in the Family for the individual to slowly heal, seek support within the family and get the strength within themselves. The Key is the Family member’s responses. Reactions are triggers. A great degree of alignment to the highest point of understanding is crucial to the care- giver .

Nurturing the individual with love, care, understanding and awareness does not only change and transform the negative vibrations in them, it transforms the negative vibes in the care giver and the environment at large moving from a victim to a compassionate nurturer. This makes us feel " elevated in our inner spaces". When basic fundamentals of human nature like sharing, giving through compassion, tithing, service are strengthened it has a very healing impact on the disorder.

The writer under the guidance of Sri Raj Bhowmik has concretely experienced transformations in their environment as care giver moving through transformations from a victim, escapist to acquiring the deeper strengths from the Source within & Mother Earth.

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