Our Basic human instinct is to experience Freedom in all relationships that we have around us. All relationships around us are teaching us this Valuable Lesson of Being Free. However as we are conditioned in our Life about the idea of Freedom, we make meaning of it in our own conditional ways. Some of it so so subtle that it stays with us for decades till we finally see it from our Soul Space and then let it go.
What does being free mean? Does it mean allowing oneself to do whatever one likes? Well then one can do it with any of the following vibrations - doing freely as we fear, doing freely because we feel we are not good enough, doing because we want approval from some one or doing freely as we get away or finish something. In all these states our environment plays a very important role.
Our current environments are reflecting our Greatest Learnings today through the people in it. Our conditioning has taught us a behavioral pattern to feel safe and free in the constant presence of another human being. So in our lives, we keep searching for the replacement of that human being and the feeling that we are used to. When we find it temporarily we feel happy but then go on searching again. How can another human ensure Freedom for the Self which is an inherent quality of the Soul. That is when Life situations shake us up till we find that Freedom within ourself. It is not confidence. It is something deep and settled. This itself takes sometime searching and discovering it inside. Then comes the learning of expressing this Freedom through our communication with people.
Our Life situations are like the Wheel, different relationships showing different aspects of Freedom and still mirroring the same learning. We can choose to be on the external by seeing just a part of it or choose to be at the centre of the Wheel where we can see the whole of Life.
Finding one's Freedom inside oneself is the first step of getting to the centre of the Circle. What next? Then comes the journey of being consistent in expressing that with Oneself & through other relationships - each and every relationship because in Life, every person is as important as the other and every situation is as important as the other. Expressing this Freedom through other relationships helps the Self discover other aspects of life but the basic vibration is that of Expanse & vastness, so surely the Journey depicts it too.
The Choice is Ours. True Freedom always is experienced from a Still Soul Space. By being aware of that Essence of Our Being, we can be in all relationships with Ease and comfort thus giving back the same to our environment. When this is achieved, the Universe opens up the deeper lessons of Awareness and our Journey begins towards becoming a Banyan Tree giving shade & cool breeze to every passer by.
Affirm in a quiet space: The Power inside me allows me to expand myself. I was born in Freedom and I am Free, guided by the Universe in every step of my Life. I create comfort everywhere I go. My Freedom is inside me and spreads through every Work that I do. I create joyful relationships that are harmonious through this magical Freedom within.
To feel free.. to be free.. is a conscious choice.. which we learn with experiences and undergo journey of transformations.. which this freedom can bring deep within us.. as rightly said in the article.. be a Banyan tree and spread shade and cool breeze.. Thanks for this wonderful insight..
ReplyDeleteJust to understand where we are not free and what it means to be free from the unconditional limitless,unideological,unperceptual centre of truth is the moment of a revolution.happy independence to all from within.
ReplyDelete"How can another human ensure Freedom for the Self which is an inherent quality of the Soul ?" Truly said ! This question does pave the way for the 'Self' to look at the situations which life has put us in, in order to wake us up..so that one observes, learns & moves on..Moves on, not to search for any other "human / relationship " in order to experience the elusive and concocted version of partial /conditioned pseudo - freedom..but to go deep within so as to connect with the deep sense of Absolute freedom of our inner being ! This connection with the "Freedom of Self" brings an end to all the searches & a home coming happens. A complete detachment from all the attachments...is Freedom felt and expressed from soul!