A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

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Monday, 15 October 2012

To Be A Free Child

“One of the reasons why children are so happy most of the time, is because they let go of negative experiences very quickly, and they forgive and bury the past. I am convinced that we can observe and learn some high level life-leadership qualities from children in this regard. This reminds me of the maxim,’ The child is the father of the man.’ How true! They are the best in this business!”
-Sri Raj Bhowmik-

A free child is the one who is constantly learning & teaching, at the same time…There is no right or wrong in the mind of a free child…”I  like doing it, and so I am doing it ”. The free child always lives by his instincts and feels thoroughly with his whole self . Choices made by him are his own feel based choices and all that it  needs  is a supporting & enhancing environment for his choices to  made. Thus, the unique abilitiy of every child gets a root somewhere & becomes a sprawling tree . A child  always leads the parent to his wants and the parent just needs to pay attention .  Isn’t this how infants work ? Isn’t this a real living and not a preconditioned or a fearful one? Isn't this even we want it to be ?  Yes, sure it is..It is the most balanced & fearless form of living..Then what happens? Why do we chain a child and what goes wrong where? 

It is simple. We start filling the nurturing space in a child’s life with  fears, lies , beliefs and self doubts…and that’s because, we ourselves are living in a fearful world and the child that we bring in this world  , is also  introduced to the same world  …This is the world carrying  the burden of past experiences & beliefs  , refusing to move on by forgiving & burying the past ,  always getting distracted with grudges and complaints and finding difficult to let go. Then how can the best choices  be made in such a fearful environment? These are the chains of bondage that we adorn the child with …We admit the child to multiple courses available on the shelf…we change schools because the present school is too crowded or not upto the marl or  because it does not pay attention…we get upset because the child does not fare well in exams….or we start hunting for private tuition teachers, etc.…But , the major thing that is slips our attention is that are we making the right choices? How can we  , when we ourselves are not sure about our own inner child ? 

Why does this happen…? What are we rushing towards ? or what are we running away from? Is it because we have not forgiven ourselves for any mistakes done ? or because the ghosts of the past still haunts us?

As Sri Raj Bhowmik has said “Forgiveness is one important lesson that you need to learn in life. When you bear a grudge against someone , it is almost as if you are carrying a burden on your back. It distracts you , disturbs your peace of mind, and drains away your energy. Learn to let go, learn to forgive, and you will see that you have done a Divine thing , and you will feel elevated in your inner world , for being in charges of the situation, rather situation taking control over you. ”

This is the burden which when carried for long , gradually becomes a veneer for us. It shrouds the child  within us ..and from under this shroud there is no true connection happening with the outside ?  If we as parents, run  far away from the child within , then, obviously we are not connecting to our real self too. We become  parents , but refuse to acknowledge the free child within each one of us. Until we do that , how many schools , courses or tuition teachers we change for our child, we shall never be satisfied with the results.  Learning to let go is the easiest way to recognize the free child inside. This child is born free and is a leader. This child is making choices based out of true love for self and this child does not fear anything..Once we recognize the child within & begin to nurture it from a loving & compassionate space..the child outside shall flourish too..This is the time when instead of focusing only on the shadows , we start focusing on the warmth & light of the sun. 

At this Sri Raj Bhowmik has very aptly said “People who stand with their backs facing the sun, do not observe the magnificent glory of sun. For them the sun just cast shadows. Turn around Mankind , look at the glory of the sun. Turning towards the right direction, you shall know that life is more than shadows. You will see life & enjoyment & glory all around you.”

Once we have learnt the great art of forgiveness, from the child himself, the sunny side is always up. No pushing or cajoling or convincing is required once you start following the child .. A child is a natural leader …because it carries no grudges .. A child just moves on. A free child dreams no ordinary dreams .. They are the dreams which only an evolved mind can help the child live them, by providing the right platform & the right environment.  Raj Bhowmik Schools of leadership for children, is one such platform, provided by our Founder himself,  which not only allows the children to “Build castles in air”, but even helps the children live it in real too . This platform is CORPORitual  in its existence , as it allows a child to make the instinctively correct choices and even gives the children the power to lead while being rooted firmly in the ground , eliminating competition in them & replacing it with Compassion & collaboration. Such is a free child of the Now.. Such is a Life leader, who is free from all fears and is connected with the real world in a compassionate way. Such is the urge of infinity to be a free child always!


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