A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

'The World is yet to know about You. We take Your Message and Your Essence through this platform.'

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Monday, 15 October 2012

Editorial: Freedom & Connectedness

" ....Imagine if we could do something magical in real life. If we could have a master Key with which we could quickly unlock different situations , gain freedom  from our fears, fulfill our needs , and clear the mess that we have created....

....This is exactly the purpose of the CORPORitual Values of Living in our present world and era.  CORPORitual is a powerful recipe for the new era."

-Sri Raj Bhowmik- 

In this edition of Sacred Sanctum , Freedom has been viewed , felt & lived differently by different individuals in their own spaces and environment but with the same feel of connectedness, which runs through it all....This is the feel of a Free mind which is happy & connected with the real world outside. This world of freedom is not subjective to any outside source of happiness or well being , but is deeply connected with the inner world of a free spirit and mind gained not by "CHASING HAPPINESS " But by "CHOOSING HAPPINESS".

To Be Born Free :http://www.sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/10/to-be-free-child.html
 Is a article understanding & experiencing the Freedom in a child, the aspects that bring us to to connecting with ourselves and the environment.

Bonded in Freedom with Love: 
This experiences takes us a little more into our inner self. When 2 individuals in a system are free and inter dependent for a Purpose the outcome is "Experiencing  Happiness by choosing" rather than Chasing.

Gateway Of Justice: http://www.sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/10/gateway-of-justice.html
When relationships are based on Fairness and comfort of each other, then it grows in its facets.

The Homecoming : http://www.sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/10/the-homecoming.html
When the search for outside freedom through material objects ceases, then one begins the search inward. It is only then that we connect back HOME - The Inner Centre.

Freedom To Choose: http://www.sacredsanctum.blogspot.in/2012/10/freedom-to-choose.html
When we have Freedom one of the bigger lessons is realize is the power o choose at the given moment. If parents can focus on helping children learn to make choices, they will soon in some time learn what is good for the objective in that moment.

Freedom connects .. freedom liberates .. freedom is felt deep inside... Freedom is the Freedom to 'BE'...this freedom is to have found that magical key which we have all heard about but did not ever feel it. This is the 'CORPORitual Fragrance '...which ushers our inner self to  Freedom & Connectedness..!

Happy Being Free !! Happy Staying Connected to Yourself !! Happy "Being" who you truly are

To Be A Free Child

“One of the reasons why children are so happy most of the time, is because they let go of negative experiences very quickly, and they forgive and bury the past. I am convinced that we can observe and learn some high level life-leadership qualities from children in this regard. This reminds me of the maxim,’ The child is the father of the man.’ How true! They are the best in this business!”
-Sri Raj Bhowmik-

A free child is the one who is constantly learning & teaching, at the same time…There is no right or wrong in the mind of a free child…”I  like doing it, and so I am doing it ”. The free child always lives by his instincts and feels thoroughly with his whole self . Choices made by him are his own feel based choices and all that it  needs  is a supporting & enhancing environment for his choices to  made. Thus, the unique abilitiy of every child gets a root somewhere & becomes a sprawling tree . A child  always leads the parent to his wants and the parent just needs to pay attention .  Isn’t this how infants work ? Isn’t this a real living and not a preconditioned or a fearful one? Isn't this even we want it to be ?  Yes, sure it is..It is the most balanced & fearless form of living..Then what happens? Why do we chain a child and what goes wrong where? 

It is simple. We start filling the nurturing space in a child’s life with  fears, lies , beliefs and self doubts…and that’s because, we ourselves are living in a fearful world and the child that we bring in this world  , is also  introduced to the same world  …This is the world carrying  the burden of past experiences & beliefs  , refusing to move on by forgiving & burying the past ,  always getting distracted with grudges and complaints and finding difficult to let go. Then how can the best choices  be made in such a fearful environment? These are the chains of bondage that we adorn the child with …We admit the child to multiple courses available on the shelf…we change schools because the present school is too crowded or not upto the marl or  because it does not pay attention…we get upset because the child does not fare well in exams….or we start hunting for private tuition teachers, etc.…But , the major thing that is slips our attention is that are we making the right choices? How can we  , when we ourselves are not sure about our own inner child ? 

Why does this happen…? What are we rushing towards ? or what are we running away from? Is it because we have not forgiven ourselves for any mistakes done ? or because the ghosts of the past still haunts us?

As Sri Raj Bhowmik has said “Forgiveness is one important lesson that you need to learn in life. When you bear a grudge against someone , it is almost as if you are carrying a burden on your back. It distracts you , disturbs your peace of mind, and drains away your energy. Learn to let go, learn to forgive, and you will see that you have done a Divine thing , and you will feel elevated in your inner world , for being in charges of the situation, rather situation taking control over you. ”

This is the burden which when carried for long , gradually becomes a veneer for us. It shrouds the child  within us ..and from under this shroud there is no true connection happening with the outside ?  If we as parents, run  far away from the child within , then, obviously we are not connecting to our real self too. We become  parents , but refuse to acknowledge the free child within each one of us. Until we do that , how many schools , courses or tuition teachers we change for our child, we shall never be satisfied with the results.  Learning to let go is the easiest way to recognize the free child inside. This child is born free and is a leader. This child is making choices based out of true love for self and this child does not fear anything..Once we recognize the child within & begin to nurture it from a loving & compassionate space..the child outside shall flourish too..This is the time when instead of focusing only on the shadows , we start focusing on the warmth & light of the sun. 

At this Sri Raj Bhowmik has very aptly said “People who stand with their backs facing the sun, do not observe the magnificent glory of sun. For them the sun just cast shadows. Turn around Mankind , look at the glory of the sun. Turning towards the right direction, you shall know that life is more than shadows. You will see life & enjoyment & glory all around you.”

Once we have learnt the great art of forgiveness, from the child himself, the sunny side is always up. No pushing or cajoling or convincing is required once you start following the child .. A child is a natural leader …because it carries no grudges .. A child just moves on. A free child dreams no ordinary dreams .. They are the dreams which only an evolved mind can help the child live them, by providing the right platform & the right environment.  Raj Bhowmik Schools of leadership for children, is one such platform, provided by our Founder himself,  which not only allows the children to “Build castles in air”, but even helps the children live it in real too . This platform is CORPORitual  in its existence , as it allows a child to make the instinctively correct choices and even gives the children the power to lead while being rooted firmly in the ground , eliminating competition in them & replacing it with Compassion & collaboration. Such is a free child of the Now.. Such is a Life leader, who is free from all fears and is connected with the real world in a compassionate way. Such is the urge of infinity to be a free child always!


Bonded in Freedom ...with Love

“A bee can feel the flower’s fragrance from miles away. The flower has just bloomed , but the bee has already come rushing. Scientists are trying to find out how bees find their way? It is a super sense and it is nothing but love . You have to be very careful with the things you love , because they are going to decide your destiny.” – Sri Raj Bhowmik 

The flower just blossomed & the bee was attracted …and they fell in love…It is a well known fact that  when a couple falls in love, the world is never the same for them again. There is a lot of unconditional giving & sharing which happens during the initial period of courting, and this  makes them believe that that they shall live happily ever after… All seems like a picture perfect setting of a movie made in Hollywood  and long term vows are taken by the couple thereafter.
However , more than often, it has been observed by various stalwarts dealing in couple relationships, that so is not the case…It starts very well ,as the cupid has just struck &  the world feels like a  garden, for the couple in love , but, this garden of love slowly begins to wither as the individual sense of freedom, which is main pre- requisite of a happy couple relationship,  takes a back seat. It is curtailed by high expectations, conditions set on love , high bench mark for the partner behavior and judgmental living. Poor love takes a hiding and the “I am so much in love with you”, changes its form to “ I am just tolerating you .” 

Then begins the mad chase for happiness & love in the world outside. In this chase, to find solutions to happy living , one easily gets attached to material things in life or  plays the sacrificial lamb by constantly adjusting, managing , trying to live up to the bench mark set by the partner.Whatever it is , the fact remains that one is just running away from the true self .  In this  process of running away... eating binges / diets, drowning  in loud noises & consumption of alcohol in pubs & discos, short vacations on week ends, going abroad for a change , visiting temples three times a day , organizing bhajan Evenings, joining  a hobby class etc . happens and when all this does not fetch happiness .. one might enter into a new relationship in order to get a fresh feeling of the so called "love" or one might just walk out of the present realtionship  too... However, the sense of Freedom & happiness  still remains illusive though.

“We are waiting for someone to introduce us to our own inner world. We stay with our inner-world in the same house , but as distant neighbours ; neighbours whom we donot care about". – Sri Raj Bhowmik-

Isn’t this the case in the relationship that we have with our own selves too ?..We become distant neighbours….and when the same status mirrors in our partner/couple relationship , we run away, as we cannot face the scary image of our inner self. Yes, the status of our relationship with our partners is a mirror image of our relationship with self. We do not ever feel successful in any relationship and that’s ..because , we have still not faced our own selves, in its stark form. Till one bonds & connects with ones true & real self..no other real relationship can be formed. A relationship with self is the highest of all relationship & that is completely bonded in freedom ..with love. It is definitely not a hope less situation when one goes through a difficult phase in the most intimate relationship. This pain is trying to teach  a major lesson in life. Its telling you to look into one self …One shall find love there. 

That’s “the Meeting Point", as phrased by Sri Raj Bhowmik.. where One meets oneself in silence ....

...."Remember that , ‘the quality of your life is the quality of your communication to yourself. What you say to others and the way you treat others is important. But, even more important is what you say to yourself and how you behave with yourself.”..Sri Raj Bhowmik....And when we do that regularly, we look into our true self too ..and thats where we are free , happy & strongly bonded in  love. That's the inner peace centre which resounds in unconditional love for self &  whoever comes in touch with such a grounded & free self .... is bonded in freedom with love..forever..!! The same can be experienced at the "CORPORitual "BE -ING Happy " wellness course , where the focus is to "move beyond chasing happiness to choosing happiness"...1 


Gateway of Justice...

 “I feel there are only three things that are worthwhile in this world – Justice, Beauty , and Truth. And perhaps, none of them can be defined using words.”- Sri Raj Bhowmik

Sometimes, there comes a time in a person's life when the only path to absolute freedom has to pass through the processes of Judicial law . However, there is something about this process which stops many from taking this road to Freedom. This 'something' is completely based on ones mental pictures and perceptions about law. Judiciary and the legal processes are more than often frowned upon for their delay in passing judgments, denial of justice , lengthy processes or a laid out approach of the lawyers and therefore Judicial processes are perceived as an unnecessary block or obstacle in the flow of life…and is  never really seen as an add on or helping aid in our walk towards Freedom.  What one fails to see through the mental chaos is the reason behind such feelings of despair & hopelessness towards Justice and in the turmoil one fails to recognize the super efficient role of judiciary in maintaining the divine order  of life & living..
 This perception about law, which is based upon the mental images which we build, with respect to any legal case  are based on stories heard , seen & perceived since our childhood. Such perceptions are made from the point of view of a self's deep seated fears of injustice . These un - real fears,  refrain one’s own self from forming an intimate relationship with any legal process,  and thus,  cementing our beliefs about the legal  system . All this forsakes the very first step towards the road to freedom, which has to pass through the gateway of Justice !!!  

 It is on  realizing that Justice is the only thing which the Nature thrives upon ever since creation happened... the path towards seeking a sense of real freedom becomes quite a liberating and a wholesome experience in itself.  The mere acceptance of the fact that justice prevails  no matter what ..We develop a real relationship with it ..and this path then transforms into quite a powerful experience in itself , as it opens up a bond of cosmic oneness and liberates one from the shackles of myth  surrounding justice…  

“Once you recognize and feel this relationship, it will give your life a new meaning , and believe me, the awareness that you are with everything is a tremendous feeling. This relation transcends words, religion, spirituality, science, and I would even say, Love. “– Sri Raj Bhowmik 

Freedom aided by justice is the REAL Thing ..This freedom is not about hiding or exposing , throwing or keeping .This Freedom involves feeling & sharing, creating & spreading…in silent acceptance. This spreading & sprinkling of absolute freedom into the outside world ,forms a unique relationship of our inner sleves  with  all those around us . As Sri raj Bhowmik has said “This relation is much greater than all the relations that can be put down in words. ”
 Then where is the question of delay? Where is injustice..? Justice awaits everyone..All that is called for is the need to listen . . It is  the fear of injustice which causes the delay...One needs to let go any charge with respect to judicial system , not to go by hearsay , but hear the self . This shall be the start of the walk on the path to oneness. Justice is the perpetrator of this universal bond of cosmic oneness . All relationships on this path are free yet strongly connected at a much deeper level. It is a divne connect . The need is to connect , the need is to take the road ahead...If your goal to achieve freedom is desired by soul , then as Sri Raj Bhowmik has said " It will have an inspiration which will pull you towards it, and this will enable you to walk the path without any fear despite all the hindrances in your way, be they of any magnitude." 

At Soulbath Peace Foundation,there is a judicial wing to help , support and bring out the indivduals of their deep lying fear circling Judicial processes. It helps them overcome the fear of Justice that keeps freedom at bay. Once this fear is crossed over , it is the road to Freedom ..through the Gateway of Justice...!!

The Homecoming

Wary of the unsafe feeling ..of being apart.
On a quest to find YOU ...Love or God...
I heard my soul call ...one day...
A call so intense , that it tore my heart!

 It was searching for You.. far & wide,
Forestalling the search within...
fearing the darkness which would swallow the entity  ,
losing in the wallows or turbulent dark seas...

Going places for answers and finding some, 
But...nothing could quench its thirst or stop the run..
Restless and turbulent with a desire growing so strong...
Flowing in the search of an eternal bond!

Worldly traps and mazes were laid in its path
Slipping the being into a deep trance,
The pariah was lost in the waters of delusional bath,
A castle of illusion was being built around it..not by Chance...!
Dazzled and blinded with the glitter of the golds, 
The soul search paused & lost in the folds ...
A hollow and vacant space formed within..., 
A veneered space full with worldly garments of rich sheen.

A wave of pain raised a storm so loud ,
The soul  awakened at the forceful resound !
The Angels appeared from far & between..
Comforting there is no good , no sin.

All started to make sense again....
The pain , the  tears seemed puny & in vain.
The darkest of nights no longer disturbed ...
When You and Me floated in the solace of Tranquility.

Beyond all hurt and feelings of resentful scenes,
Lies a world, shimmering with the jewels of peaceful dreams,
Where mountains are build of hopes & freedom,
Where flows a river of  love and Compassion ...

You were within ..I was never alone,
Your love for me lay deep in my heart...and,
With a gentle rub...it shone!

I now take off my useless adornments,
 which have choked me since long..
kept me away from you and separating
 us far and beyond!
I am free, I am ecstatic , my heart beats fast...
I have found you..within me...
I am home, I am home, I am home at last!


Freedom to choose

Liberty is the right to choose, freedom is the result of that choice.It is this sort of freedom that a human being in the 21st Century is waiting to live .  ‘Choice' according to me is equal to ‘identity’. So, it is very important to see that from which space are these choices made from? Is it from a judgmental & fear based point of view or from an aligned CORPORitual space. This is the balance which comes handy  & helpful while making the choices in life, with liberty , thus, leading us to freedom.

This is something that I have personally been able to instill in my three boys who are all into their adolescent years. I  have been able to nurture them into three different individuals whose thoughts, words and actions are given a lot of consideration and weightage. In fact by presenting them with options, and giving them the freedom to choose has helped me nurture them in a balanced &  an aligned  manner.  Of course the pros and cons of each option too is presented to them.....but the ultimate choice is theirs and the consequences arising out of the choices made, have to be faced by them too. This amounts to freedom, they have to make that all important decision, but they also will have to live by that  decision. This sort of freedom gives them a sense of not just trying to be ‘an adult’, it also makes them feel extremely responsible too. Even if a choice made by them, goes wrong .. I believe that one must learn the lesson & move on. So , by walking hand in hand with our children , we   help them make the real choices & live in the real Free world. After all, all that is ‘happening, is today’ , because ‘tomorrow is just an idea’!

 "Always remember that - "Negative experiences if handled in the right way, only pushes you more towards the winner's peak." - Sri Raj Bhowmik-


 In this article , the writer  is enjoying growing up herself and also in bringing up her children the C-VOL way, by aligning to  what Sri Raj Bhowmik has to say about the mistakes & failures in life as stepping stones to success as... "There are no mistakes in life, but only lessons to be learnt ", as spoken of in C-VOL . This alignment and balance in bringing up children, shall not only help them learn from every mistake in a responsible way , but also help them make the right choices in the real world ...!