word which
encompasses all , forms the crux of human existence & functions as
the core of the human behavior at its highest , is COMPASSION. It is
said that compassion always begins with the small acts of giving &
sharing time, money,
love with our selves & the environment. However, as one goes deep
into the folds of
this fathomless sea of giving, one enters a throbbing space of oneness
pulsates with one love ! Such is the power of compassion which
transcends all boundaries and makes a human a real human. It touch bases
us with our REAL selves and we realize that the joy of giving is
always coupled with the empowering feeling of acceptance by our own
& by the environment.
This is a flow of oneness
which binds all, irrespective of high/low, rich / poor , educated / uneducated,
adult / children, teachers / students . All become one in this process and the
humanity smiles. Its Compassion which ushers in togetherness and selflessness
in each other and this show of kindness not only brings immense peace & unbound
happiness but also opens up a feeling that “yeh
dil maange more !”.
Compassion turns the
tables even in the most challenging existence in relationships & forms new
grounds of peaceful co- existence. Such a practice or rather a way of living shall
only bring forth peace & purpose in life . In today’s fast paced life, one
often forgets to pause, to hold hands of those in need,from a compassionate
space of being. Life always shows us the way & moments of pausing, and when
that happens all that one needs is an open heart and open senses to accept such
beautiful moments in full realization that Compassion cant be spoken about as a
virtue, it has to be realized & lived all our lives.
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