A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

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Friday, 24 February 2012

Gratitude and from there

Beyond the point of UNDERSTANDING....in loving gratitude to the valentine of our life.

Many a time when there is a conflict in a man -woman relationship- it can take you to proportions that cannot be resolved-we look for somebody in human form who can stay as neutral as God and resolve it in favour or in realization of both the parties.But it is generally human folly that cannot understand that it can be only a master who  can lead us to this neutral space -of love and understanding.In my case it was my last resort,my beloved Master Raj Bhowmik- the immortal valentine for all beings seeking salvation at his door.

The place that opened doors for me to understand and love my husband beyond mind parameters was Sahheal.Ten years of marriage hadn't   brought much clarity in our relationship.We both were seated before a life transformationalist.She pointed at me right before my husband and said "you must change".From the space of my mind ,my ego -I went red on my face.Why me.?.But I could'nt express.When I reached home,she gave me an appointment to meet alone....It was there in that meeting I understood what she was trying to do with us.I trusted.
...she started bringing in clarity...if you want peace,harmony ,you have to move away from chaos- The mind is the chaos-...."It is easy to worship a stone statue.Why don't you go and  worship the being in your husband rather than conflict and fight with his mind.Valid point.I was put into a series of inner exercises like to pause,ground,align,relax and reflect.Everyday I made it a point to put aside all differences and look at him as a human being who has to be cared,nurtured,cherished.I slipped,tried,slipped.Slowly I got it.I grounded and aligned-addressed him as a being-A higher connect happened.My husband too addressed me lovingly and respectfully in a peaceful way.I realized the meaning of " even stones can melt". We started resolving even our hardest conflicts from the wholeness space of the being. I realized that we cannot be mind mates.There was no choice but to be aligned as beings.Mails to Shri Raj Bhowmik are all the time being sent.One thing for sure, without the immense compassion of  Shri Raj bhowmik to pursue this journey of life in a more understanding and harmonious way would be impossible.The most beautiful learning at SAHHEAL that my mother,father,sister,brother,friends,relatives and acquaintances have never known ,so never shared-is that love from the space of the being has the endearing quality of peace and happiness however mad a person  is.The mind can never own or understand ,or comprehend compassion since it is by nature a conflict space;a love-hate space;a space of duality,complexity.The being is whole and simple.

In gratitude to Shri RajBhowmik for all the sweetness,understanding,love the writer is experiencing in her personal space.Even when I fall out,the sweet essence of  my mentor Raj always aligns me to my most real space.To experience Raj's compassion is truly a phenomenal feeling that every human as a being should experience in this life time.

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