The longest relationship we have is with oneself. It is very imperative that we love ourselves the way we are. It is also important to respect & honor each others feelings. It has been found that disease starts in the mind while healing starts in the heart. Psychological anxiety sooner or later manifest as a plethora of psychosomatic ailments. In order to heal this problem we need to understand what negative emotions are & how they affect our health, emotions of guilt, shame, fear, anger, loneliness, depression, greed, jealousy dis-empower us .They are drainers. They consume a lot of our Praana/ energy/Chi. They hamper progressive growth and deny creation, beauty & harmony from visiting our lives.
How then do we relieve ourselves from this web and set ourselves free. The answer is forgiveness. This is the smartest move to re-empower yourself. Kabbalah teachings suggest that lessons of Life often come through pain via a messenger. They come to help us grow & mature. We can keep this message & let go the messenger. We often get stuck when we hold grudges against the messenger & forget the lesson delivered. Focusing on all the good things life has to offer, make Gratitude & Grace your companion & choose thoughts that make you happy.
Forgiveness meditation: An Essential Step for Allowing Compassion
This is a mental task through imagination, yields best results when done in an alpha state. Sitting in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths & imagine yourself talking to the person who you feel has harmed you. Tell the person that “I am willing to receive the message of life that I get through you. I forgive you for being different from what I wanted you to be. I forgive you and set myself free.” Release the emotions as they no longer serve you. Open your eyes when you feel comfortable. Flush these toxins that occupy a restless space & watch how you regain your health & happiness. Be an instrument of Love, Peace & Harmony. Embark on a journey of positivity from which wellness will stem.
Dr. Arundathi (Gynecologist)
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