A Compassion Space to Heal, Grow & Celebrate the Joy of Existence

Dedicated to Our Founder Sri Raj Bhowmik

'The World is yet to know about You. We take Your Message and Your Essence through this platform.'

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Monday, 26 September 2011

Editorial Sep 2011: Be the Heart that gives...

It is a misconception that one needs money to give something. All we need is a big heart that is willing to share a sacred space with anyone who comes along our way. , when Giving in any form becomes a way of living, one is left with nothing short of wonder & amazement at the feeling of expansion & abundance felt deep within. The flow of life then happens naturally, gracefully & effortlessly...

 Giving / sharing time, space & money, brings along connectivity, a movement, in its most natural manner. There is abundance all around us & by being compassionate in our own space, helps us focus on the abundance within too. As the focus of this act of giving, shifts from  feeling joy to feeling love, the wheel moves & transformation happens in ones life!

The hand that gives  is always higher than the hand which receives...Be open, be compassionate , be the heart that gives. Had nature not been so kind & compassionate in giving , then we would have perished so long ago. Every birth in this Universe is a manifestation of a giving act. It is the act of Compassion which makes a human a human...!

There is immense love, faith & compassion attached with giving in any form , so much so, that  a mere act then becomes a throbbing & living experience .

A compassionate heart is love in its highest form.....!

In the section of the Cover Story, The Power of Love,  we present the understanding & realization of Love that is beyond possession. It is the story of an individual who has been in the Marriage for about 5 decades & rediscovered a new meaning of love thus rising in Love & contributing fully to the relationship.

In Personal Transformations, we bring to you a fuller aspect of Spirituality from Maa Narmadha who is the caregiver of Ramana Vidya Peetham, Thiruchuli . The fullness of a Master is in the Essence of the Master rather than carrying forward Rituals. True spirituality is to take that Essence Back To Society.

Features section is a story of a Magnanimous Birth of a Child as part of the exclusive SAHHEAL Baby Birthing Solutions inspired by Our Founder.  The journey helps one realise the Leap Of Faith that one makes, when the reference points shifts and Balance Happens. Birth is the outcome of one of the bigger balances of Life and here is a story from a MOM who discovers this Balance through her Pregnancy Phase all about herself.

Soul Parenting is another experience of Letting Go. Often when we raise children and when it is time that they are independent, we some how bind to a belief that they need help. The experience helps us understand that when we hold on to rigid values as parents, children in the families grow to mirror those beliefs in themselves creating a generation that makes compromises. The New Age Children however allow the growth to happen in them and around them.

CORPORitual Compassion is a special Section that introduces the true meaning of Compassion in our Lives - Its Needs, its Growth & the energy encompassing others around for growth.

In the Body Section, we present another experience from a doctor who is on the path of Compassion and leads us to the first step through Forgiveness. Guided by CORPORitual's Forgive & Bury The Past, this gives a deeper insight into the essentials of Forgiveness for our body.  

The Flight Of the Golden Eagle is a true story of a couple who have been in a relationship for 50 years finding the true meaning of Love & Freedom through Compassion & Companionship.

 "It is a thankful fact that

roses are not human beings.

Otherwise they would have refused to bloom,

If not offered a price tag."

~ Sri Raj Bhowmik~

Features: Experiencing one of the most defining and miraculous event in my life

I had been married for eight years, had been working for more than twelve years and apparently was leading a very comfortable life and it would not be wrong to say that I was very satisfied with what I had achieved so far in my life ……..at least that is what I believed or wanted everyone who knew me to believe. 

But in realty I was being an escapist, a scared person, who could not come in terms with the fact that there was something amiss in the way I was leading my life. The clock seemed to tick away readily and I was constantly evading the possibility of answering the most important question …………..when should I start my family………….HAVE A BABY? I had no answer to this question, however a distinct hollowness persisted and I wanted to run away when anyone asked me about my family plans… I had no plans whatsoever. I thought once I have saved enough, worked enough, settled enough I shall have a child, but that had not happened for me for the last 8 years.

While all this turmoil continued I was introduced to Soulbath Peace Foundation (SPF) by my sister. SPF had had a massive influence on her life and she wanted me to benefit from the same as well. Initially I was full of apprehension and frankly speaking was not very convinced about why I should consult anyone to help me with my life’s personal decision. It took me a little time to get used to the fact that SPF is the right place I need to be if I have to find answers to my questions related to pregnancy. The things that unfolded once I connected with SPF were no less than a miracle. 

Even after 4 months of being pregnant, I was still not able to come in terms with it and was going through a tough time accepting the changes that were happening to me. I had recently changed jobs and was worried about the reaction of my employees to this news of me being pregnant. I also felt that my husband was not able to understand the changes that I was going through and every passing day made my pregnancy difficult. To add to this my early ultrasound revealed that my placenta was lying low and I was advised rest. This was not a possibility as I had just started my new job and was not ready to talk about my pregnancy to my boss. I was going through a tough time. All this chaos helped me to decide to connect with SPF and seek help. 

As I stay in Gurgaon, our initial interactions with SAHHEAL were telephonic. Each of these sessions instilled a lot of confidence and strength in me. For the first time, I realized that there is another soul/ being inside me, which is being nurtured by me. The realization was a massive eye opener. Though pregnant for over 3 months, I had somehow never realized in total what it meant to be pregnant. These initial telephonic sessions helped me realize for the first time what it was to be pregnant. The immense feeling of compassion that I developed towards my child seems to have a very positive effect on me and the overall pregnancy. I was overcome with a sincere desire to give my best to my child, no matter how.

My initial apprehensions were therefore gradually starting to disappear. I now had to travel to Bangalore for my sessions at SAHHEAL. However, my gynecologist having conducted another ultrasound STRICTLY advised me against travel. I was scared, did not know, whether to trust my decision to visit SAHHEAL or to listen to my doctor and quit the entire plan. 

It was a tough call with everyone advising against the travel. I was starting to doubt my decision to travel to Bangalore as I once again felt scared and did not want to take any risk with my pregnancy. But I don’t know from where, just a day before the actual travel I somehow got the confidence to finally travel to Bangalore. My husband and I decided to give in completely to what SAHHEAL stood for and with that trust we traveled to Bangalore.

The sessions that followed were a miracle, I felt so happy, so relieved, so contented as both my husband and I participated in the various sessions. For the first time I experienced such distinctive warmth in my womb……..an experience very difficult to explain. I was feeling very happy about being a part of these sessions. It was helping me understand and at the same time experience one of the most defining and challenging events in my life – having a baby. This realization has had a massive impact on me and my entire approach towards pregnancy changed. I felt more related to my child in the womb and once this happened all seemed so simple, so logical. I could finally face my real self and feel so immensely proud about being pregnant. It was a wonderful feeling and slowly it started showing its effect. Suddenly I felt there was a massive force supporting me and helping me bring my child in this world. This guiding force, instilled a lot of confidence in me for the safe birthing of my child and has helped me develop a strong belief system that continuously reassures me about the well being of my child. This is such an awesome feeling when you know there is someone blessing and protecting my little one for lifetime. I am indebted to Soulbath Peace Foundation and to Shri Raj Bhowmik for making my journey all through my pregnancy so peaceful and easy and finally the birth of my daughter – Ahana a blessed soul.  

My association with SPF has had a profound effect on me in terms of how my entire philosophy of trying to control things unnaturally changed for good. It helped me see and accept the beauty that lies right in front of us but something which we often ignore and thus miss out on life’s absolute wonders. 

What followed after the sessions was even more wondrous a fantastic baby shower, which upon SPF’s advice we celebrated at a local girl child orphanage. The offerings we made at the orphanage were nothing compared to the peace and happiness that both my husband and I gained from the entire experience. Thank you SPF for guiding me into such happiness. Further, my subsequent ultrasound revealed that my placenta which was low lying had moved back to its usual position and everything was fine. I felt so contented, so happy, so very peaceful and so relaxed, which had a profound effect on my baby also. I had started to experience the magic of SPF and its founder Shri Raj Bhowmik. 

Every passing day prepared me further for the birth of my child and brought me closer to my child in the womb.  This feeling of compassion, of unconditional love that I developed after I connected with SPF and SAHHEAL has had an effect on my child as ultrasound reports revealed that my child in the womb seemed very blissful and displayed very calm movements unlike in many cases where the child as it grows gets very restless and stressed and depicts aggressive movements. My child was so calm and peaceful and was so connected to me that I have known this child for ages now and her behavior is ever so predictable to me. 

This has been an awesome experience in my life and I feel so ever indebted to SoulBath Peace Foundation, SAHHEAL and its founder Shri Raj Bhowmik for helping us bring Ahana into our lives and making it meaningful. Thank you for blessing our family.

Love, caring and compassion is what life is all about.

By SAHHEAL MOM Divya Dwivedi, Director FICCI.

Cover Story: The Power Of Love

Love is such a beautiful emotion but very few experience it in its beauteous form. Most of us go through life understanding it in its teenage expression. We use the word without attaching any meaning to it and for this reason most relationships have gone hollow and self centered.

If love is such a beautiful emotion it should always go hand in hand with happiness. This is not what we see around us.  So understanding the word “ love “ is the first step towards being at peace within and in turn spreading peace around. Till we love, respect and accept ourselves we cannot expect to experience completeness. And if we are not complete within we cannot give anything of substance to others.

Life offers us so many choices. Most of us are not adequately equipped with the ability to make the right choices so we stumble along and end up having to cope with what we have created for ourselves. There are some fortunate ones who realize that things are not quite right and resort to a healing path. I consider myself to be one of those “lucky ones” who has found the Soul Bath Peace Foundation. At 64 years I am allowing myself to be worthy of that love and self acceptance by----

1 Meeting myself in silence.

2.Finding my purpose in life.

3. Practicing compassion.

4 Forgiving and burying the past.

I know my healing has begun because I sense happiness and love within so I am looking at my environment with “loving glasses”. Now I can start sharing with others what is mine. Now I recognize that all these years “love” for me was need based so I depended on others for my happiness and ended up in total frustration. Now I can create my own happiness and it gives me a tremendous sense of freedom.

I end with Gratitude to Raj for helping me discover Love.

 Minny Puri

CORPORitual Compassion: No Tags for Compassion

Man is a being. An organic being. Whether we realize it or not,like  it or not doesn't  matter. As a being we are endowed with certain qualities, precious resources as peace,wisdom,silence,joy,clarity,giving,forgiving .....whether we know  it or not doesn't matter. Every time in our life, in whatever situation ,we are accessing these resources to realize our destination or resolve situations, or come out of conflicts.It is when the chaotic  blockage in accessing these treasures get dense ,that we call for the master.He  appears with his master key and opens the door ;wakes us  up   from a sleeping -pill slumber to connect us to higher sources.These resources come from the space of compassion. What is innate in us as a being is Compassion. It  comes straight from our heart and soul .In whatever we say, do and see, we can make our whole life a compassionate act of living. But the highest potential of compassion is realized in the "act of giving" says Sri Raj Bhowmik in His life transforming book-The CORPORitual.

  When it comes to the deed of giving, we are all caught in a fix. We have been conditioned to have this fix. This conditioning has created barriers , airs and attitudes around us, within us. Just as flowering is with flowers and flying is with birds ,giving should ,as it is be with humans. Nothing on earth can match the quality of "The act of giving' when it is expressed from the space of compassion. It is in this space that we realize our power to see the world as one whole entity stripped of walls and blockages, as every mans pain as one pain and every mans need as one need. Giving from this most noblest space within us doesn't carry the stink of dilemma,it doesn't have conflict of interests, it doesn't have complexes, it doesn't have superstitions, it doesn't have fear, doubt and all of that.
In fact there is nothing to own to fear losing. We give from the whole and take from the same source. The giver and the receiver is an illusion. So all we need to do is just have the humility to give and the humility to receive with gratitude and thanks.

The writer in her environment is working with her master to realize the ultimate purpose of her life through compassion. Most of the insights contained in it is in the space of awareness, her Life Mentor Sri Raj Bhowmik has put her through.

Personal Transformations @ SPF

The Magnificent Retriever

August 15, India was celebrating her Independence. August 15, was the birthday of many Masters. It was a special day for me as it was the birthday of the creator in me. The day I realized with awareness that I too have the power to create and realize the purpose of my existence. More special because many creators graduated as SAHHEAL Healing Consultants. Yes with the birth of the aware me my heart reached out to thank  Sri Raj Bhowmik. He is our retriever, who has helped me get my Self back.

The whole flow started with a spark of a small incident that happened as we reached home that evening after the graduation. The tranquil space of awareness in the SAHHEAL Healing Consultant classroom was the ultimate space to be in. A moment to hold on to, a process so priceless for the soul. What would otherwise be very ordinary took me into a gamma phase – the dear ones sitting in front of the television.

All of a sudden I realized that my serenity and awareness was all lost in the abyss of the mind, eclipsed totally by my reactive, unconscious behavior. Turning of the T.V., feeling helpless with myself, sat quietly to witness the happenings in me. For the first time I was aware that my environment was mirroring my emotions and my baggage.

We packed to leave. Our family drove us to the railway station. They had also just returned from a trip to the Mudumalai Jungles. They told us that they had captured so many pictures, so many beautiful moments but as they were closing the camera something happened that all the pictures were lost. They felt sad. As the pictures, so too was I lost…

Suddenly a voice was heard saying, “don’t worry uncle, it can be retrieved. That was the magical word that created the ripple effect. There was waves and waves of happiness in me as in everyone there.

Yes I could understand and realize that we are not lost forever. We think so, feel so, but here is The Retriever, the compassionate one – Raj who has just retrieved and restored us to our own Self.

How many lives, how many problems, how much of pain, how much of suffering, how much of fear to do, how much of superstitious beliefs, how much of frustrations have shadowed the pure essence. How much we have panted to get out of it all, how we long for freedom…..

And then blows the gentle breeze from the heart of the compassionate one, who is indeed our  Retriever filling me, us with hope and light…

Showing me and you our own radiant self

Where happiness and joy reside ever

Where love and compassion is in abundance

Where peace and tranquility spread their fragrance like the divine flower

Where abundance and prosperity flow like a river

Where hope shines and

‘IT” Assures

I ask in awareness

What was I crying for?

What are you crying for?

The Retriever is here

Reclaim your life, breath and start living.

Raj you are there for me, for everyone


By Narmadha. R. (Caregiver @ Sri Ramana Vidya Peetham, Thiruchuli)

The Flight Of the Eagle: A Story Of Freedom, Hope & Learning

The word “FREEDOM” invokes visions of an eagle soaring high in the blue skies, or an
innocent child playing and laughing with gay abandon. We are all born free from fear, envy,
jealousy, hatred, unhappiness and numerous other negative elements. Yet over the years, most of us become burdened by so many of these negatives. My wife of over four decades and I also, along the way slipped into this quagmire. 
From being a very happy and bonded couple, gradually we began drifting apart. This was an alien feeling, which in spite of its manifestation created uneasiness between us. We were truly lost. We had everything going for us – financial independence, reasonably good health considering our respective ages, lovely sons, a loving daughter-in-law and two lovely grandsons. And we wondered why we were still not complete.

We tried many home remedies and quick fix solutions. Nothing worked. We were still firmly and hopelessly shackled. And then the silver lining and the light at the end of this tunnel appeared.

We learnt about the Soulbath Peace Foundation from mutual friends.

The very first session with our friend, consultant and Life coach in SAHHEAL HEALING

CENTRE raised hope of revival of happiness in our lives. My wife and I after a few further
sessions have settled back into completeness, happiness and contentment together. We are living each day happily and looking forward to the coming tomorrow with eagerness. For this, we are very thankful to Raj Bhowmik and the Soulbath Peace Foundation .We take great joy and
satisfaction in recommending to our family and friends the great benefits of the programs

conducted by Soulbath Peace Foundation. We are personally looking forward to getting ourselves involved with Raj Bhowmik Back-To-Society DREAM (RB-BTS DREAM) actively to achieve greater fulfillment and happiness. After many years, we are enjoying FREEDOM again.

With Peace.

Minny and Kewal

Soul Search Engine

The longest relationship we have is with oneself. It is very imperative that we love ourselves the way we are. It is also important to respect & honor each others feelings. It has been found that disease starts in the mind while healing starts in the heart. Psychological anxiety sooner or later manifest as a plethora of psychosomatic ailments. In order to heal this problem we need to understand what negative emotions are & how they affect our health, emotions of guilt, shame, fear, anger, loneliness, depression, greed, jealousy dis-empower  us .They are drainers. They consume a lot of our Praana/ energy/Chi. They hamper progressive growth and deny creation, beauty & harmony from visiting our lives.

How then do we relieve ourselves from this web and set ourselves free. The answer is forgiveness. This is the smartest move to re-empower yourself. Kabbalah teachings suggest that lessons of Life often come through pain via a messenger. They come to help us grow & mature. We can keep this message & let go the messenger. We often get stuck when we hold grudges against the messenger & forget the lesson delivered. Focusing on all the good things life has to offer, make Gratitude & Grace your companion & choose thoughts that make you happy.

Forgiveness meditation: An Essential Step for Allowing Compassion

This is a mental task through imagination, yields best results when done in an alpha state. Sitting in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths & imagine yourself talking to the person who you feel has harmed you. Tell the person that “I am willing to receive the message of life that I get through you. I forgive you for being different from what I wanted you to be. I forgive you and set myself free.” Release the emotions as  they no longer serve you. Open your eyes when you feel comfortable. Flush these toxins that occupy a restless space & watch how you regain your health & happiness. Be an instrument of Love, Peace & Harmony. Embark on a journey of positivity from which wellness will stem.

Dr. Arundathi (Gynecologist)

Soul Parenting: Letting go

The most challenging part of parenting is to let go of our children when they want and need to go. I have just gone through this experience-my daughter has flew abroad for college after schooling. After long teary discussions between us, we had to decide-  I,to let go on my part and she, to pursue her dreams away from comforts. It was heart breaking for me to think of my little girl going away from our safe nest to new lands, amongst new people, to learn not only Designing but also the lessons that life teaches. But when I fought free from my emotions and from my fears, I knew it was the right time to let her fly; to find her freedom ,in thought ,in living ,in many different ways. 

When I believed in this firmly, that to set a bird fly is the most important lesson for a parent as well as a child, I stood by my resolve despite wide ranging views from concerned family members. She has now been away for a month. We can see her blossoming in independence, loving what she’s doing, making adjustments, not complaining. I am proud of her, I'm proud of myself for giving her the freedom to live life.

            Now I remember how we parted when she was two and a half ,at her pre-school gate., eyes filled with tears.Yet  Schooling has done her a lot of good. She is the confident, bubbly youngster that she is today because of that initial 'letting go'.

Despite our strong conviction, once our daughter left there was a sense of despair. We were distraught. Seeing my husband and me thus, my younger daughter shook us saying "I am not going to upset you like Akka ,I am not going to college". We shook ourselves and saw how selfish we were and how difficult we were making it for our kids to let them experience freedom. We explained to her that we were a little overwhelmed by her sister's absence and we were actually happy for her as she is going to do what she wanted and so also we would be happy for her when she wanted to follow her dreams!