In the olden days, Freedom or renunciation or liberation were aspects of Spirituality. In today's times, just as every element in the Cosmos is redefining itself, it is the turn of Spirituality Now to create a new meaning.
So can we run away in today's times? The answer is NO!! Across centuries, Masters have always indicated that the Soul or Spirit is like the Water. If we limit the Water in a bottle or a swimming pool that is flashy or a pond, the nature and quality of the same substance is different v/s free flowing, as stagnation causes a change to the water. These are the different versions of Spirituality today. Some are yet to take a leap as they are yet in a bottle, some have jumped into a artificial domain of boundaries & limitations of what it should look & feel like. The true Nature of human Spirit or Soul is when Consciousness just flows. This can happen anywhere, in any circumstance, through any one...Unlimited, abundant, diverse & Vast.
In simple words, kindness, goodness, are values of the Spirit. They don't have to be learnt in a school but in different languages the outcome is the same. Are we aware of this Language Of Compassion? Compassion is only an aspect of Service done from the Soul for no other benefits or calculations or branding. Freedom from our Masks to recognizing the true human in a person is so powerful that it just consumes. Imagine if everybody in the world could just Flow like this.
Try for a Day just repeating this affirmation: "I am One with the Creator, Creating Hope around Me in myself & All around. I am Blessed and I truly Bless my environment. I love & appreciate myself and all in my environment. People are comfortable to be themselves around me and Work grows as I give my 100% contribution to it. I Love my Work & am One with it."
Notice, the compassion element around yourself and your environment - be it Family, Office, on the Road, with Children or in the Super market. Become Aware, how did the human spirit in you and others respond with this affirmation. Our Relationship with the Creator is initially that of Awe till we Love & Identify completely, that the relationship then transforms into a One Zone with No Difference. We become the Creator and Its Consciousness. This is the Freedom Of the Spirit. I am and So it Is...
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